Your Great Love


Scripture: Psalm 5:3-7 (NIV)

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;

in the morning I lay my requests before you

and wait expectantly.

For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness;

with you, evil people are not welcome.

The arrogant cannot stand

in your presence.

You hate all who do wrong;

6     you destroy those who tell lies.

The bloodthirsty and deceitful

you, Lord, detest.

But I, by your great love,

can come into your house;

in reverence I bow down

toward your holy temple.




            Today’s psalm is a morning prayer. However, it is suitable for any time of any day. In it the psalmist is again asking the Lord for help against enemies. We, today, are just looking at the main body of the psalm which is twelve verses long. This selection gives us the flavor of the whole psalm. In this psalm, traditionally attributed to David, we are urged to bring all our requests before the Lord and expect an answer to them. It contrasts the Lord’s attitudes toward the wicked with His attitudes toward the psalmist and we hope us as well.


            After we are told to bring our requests before the Lord, we are given a vivid description of God’s view of those who do not follow Him. Verse four through six contain strong denunciations of the arrogant, wrong doers, liars, bloodthirsty, and deceitful persons. Before the Lord, these people stand condemned and without repentance for their crimes they are hopelessly lost. Worthy only of the greatest punishment available to God.


            In verse seven, however, we are given a great contrast. The psalmist expects God to respond to him not as an evil doer but as a righteous person. The word Hebrew word behind the words “great love” in the NIV is hesed. There is no simple way to translate this word as it contains elements of God’s grace, mercy, compassion, patience, faithfulness, loyalty, and love. The Hebrew word contains the idea of the full character of God. So, the psalmist states that unlike the evil doers he is able to enter into the presence of God.


            The fifth psalm is one of humble waiting before the Lord. Humble, but full of confidence in the character and ability of God to deliver His people. A confident trusting in God’s ability to give the wicked of this world what their deeds deserve. Preserving and enhancing the life of the faithful followers of God. Just as God was with the psalmist, so he is with us today. Seeking to prepare us for an eternal life with him.



                Lord keep us in your care. Bring us to repentance, O God. May we live lives that bring glory to your name. Help us to always do what is pleasing in your sight. Accept our prayers and answer them according to your great love. Amen


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