Resist The Devil


Scripture: 1 Peter 5:8-9 (NIV)

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him standing firm in the faith because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings’


            Peter in these verses sends a word of caution and encouragement to his first audience. His words apply just as well to readers in the 21st century. Peter begins with a couple of imperative verbs. Calling us to be alert and clear headed as we live our daily lives. This is called for because we have an enemy who seeks to destroy us. That enemy is the devil. This being is constantly roaring and seeking to make the Christian cower in fear.

            In the second verse above Peter describes what we need to do in order to stand against the one who seeks to make us fear him. Peter encourages us to be firm in the faith. We must know what and why we believe what we do. We can take comfort in two things. First, when we stand against the devil he will flee. Second, we can be comforted knowing we are not alone in our situation. The church everywhere in the world is enduring the same trial.

            We in the church in the West are enduring a time of testing by the devil and his minions. We are told not to impose our values and beliefs on others. We are told that we have no place in the cultural discussions. If we insist on believing we must do so in the privacy of our homes and churches. Our beliefs are not welcome in the public square. These forces are trying desperately to make us cower in fear and keep quiet.

            We must not, however, give in to the threats and cancellations. If we love Jesus, then we must speak out against this intimidation. We need to form bonds of support among other believers. Together with our brothers and sisters in the faith, and with our Lord Jesus Christ we can overcome all the snares and traps the devil may set for us. The devil knows that his time is short and getting shorter by the day. He will intensify his attacks until the very end. You see the devil hates God and us His special creation. We must never give in to his lies. Let us pray for strength and courage to pass the test that is coming.


            Lord, you are our refuge in times of trial and testing. May we find strength and courage in you to stand firm in our hour of testing. We are not ignorant of the devil's schemes and plans for our destruction. Lord, keep us close to you because you care for us. Help us encourage one another. Lead us as our Shepherd into the battle each day. Grant us the victory over the enemy of our souls. Help us to reach out to others who are perishing without you and help them to see that you are the way, the truth, and the life. Amen.


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