One in Christ


Scripture: Galatians 3:27-29 (ESV)

27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.


            Today's passage from Galatians has been the subject of fierce debate during the recent past. In my treatment of this passage, we will look behind the controversy to see what Paul’s intent was in writing these words for the Galatians and how can we best interpret these precious words of scripture for today.

            What was Paul thinking when he wrote these words? Of course, I am not a mind reader, but I think there are clues in the text. First in verse 27 Paul is clearly thinking about the sacrament of baptism. This then forms the background for what he is going to say in the verses that follow. The second thing is that Paul is speaking about ‘putting on Christ’ or being ‘in Christ.’ Paul is setting the stage for what he is about to say in verse 28.

            Verse 28 is the center of the storm around the meaning of these verses. It sounds like freedom for the Greek, slave, and female believers. Indeed, in one way it is. These three categories of people were marginalized by the Jewish, free, and male society which was in place in the 1st century world of Paul. Here Paul is simply saying that the ground is level in the baptistry like it is at the cross and that all can come equally and be ceremonially cleansed of their sin. In Christ, all are as one. As Paul writes elsewhere “there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” (Ephesians 4:5)

            We see Paul tying up the meaning of this verse in verse 29. Since we are one in Christ there is no difference in the outcome of belief and baptism in Christ. We all are under the same condemnation due to the fall and now we can all be made alive by appropriating Christ’s righteousness through belief in Him. We signify or give witness to this belief in the waters of baptism. Indeed, Christ’s salvation has come to every person who believes equally.


            Lord, we thank you that all people everywhere who believe in you and seek to be baptized are equal in your eyes. Help us to open our eyes to the fact that You came to save the world in the person of Jesus Christ. Make us able to see our fellow Christians in this light and behave accordingly. You are worthy of praise by people of every tribe and tongue. Help us to be people who live out your love. Amen. 


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