Do Not Judge
Scripture: James 4:11-12 (NIV)
11 Brothers and
sisters do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or
sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the
law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There
is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But
you—who are you to judge your neighbor?
James here is teaching, indeed
commanding, that we do not slander one another in the church. This is another
biblical command that is difficult to practice in real life. In the life of a
church people get on each other’s nerves making it all to easy to slip into
gossip and slander against our brothers and sisters in the Lord. James explains
why such evil speaking of one’s neighbor is wrong. When we judge another, we
stand above our brother or sister which we must never do.
God has created all humans in His
image. All have equal value in His eyes. When we judge our brothers and sisters,
we take a position of superiority over them which God has not given us. It is truly
difficult to refrain from doing this. We read the Bible and think we know its
meaning and are capable of judging others by it. However, as James says here in
verse 12, there is only one being that is truly capable of judging according to
the law and that is not us.
Elsewhere in the scriptures we are
admonished to be encouragers of our brothers and sisters. If we could just
learn to practice this. If we think our neighbor has fallen into some sin, we
must go to God with our complaint to make sure that we have the understanding
of the wrong our neighbor has committed. If the Lord makes it clear that our brother
or sister has fallen into sin, then we are to approach them in humility and
confront them. We are never to go to others behind our brother or sisters back
with the issue.
Correction and repentance for our neighbor’s
failings ultimately belongs in God’s hands not ours. Only God has the right to
break another human heart and cause godly sorrow and repentance for sin. Our
role is simply to be as one who bears a message pointing our brother or sister
in the right direction. The ground is level at the foot of the cross and we are
neither above nor below our neighbor. A correct understanding of this is
crucial to being faithful witnesses to God’s love for our neighbor. Let us go
before the throne of grace and ask for discernment in this matter.
Hear us when we cry to you dear
Lord. We worship and adore you for you have created us and in you we live and
move and have our being. Hear our confession of sin today. We confess that we
have often not done unto others as we would have them do unto us. We are
miserable sinners in need of your amazing grace. Cleanse us, heal us, and make
us able to serve you in humility and love. We thank you for your steadfast love
and faithfulness to us. Teach us how to live as your servants in the world. May
we be bringers of the message of the gospel wherever we go. Amen.
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