Walk in the Light
Scripture: Romans
13:13-14 (ESV)
13 Let us walk
properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual
immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. 14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no
provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.
Today we consider how we are to
behave as we live in this increasingly godless world. In the previous verses
Paul calls the church to wake up and realize that the time requires Christian
involvement in the affairs of the world. If that world is even going to survive
at all. In this pair of verses, he describes how not act as we seek to live as
righteous people before God. We are invited to live in a way that glorifies God
by our identification with Jesus Christ.
The vices listed in verse 13 are not
an exhaustive list of things to the Christian is to avoid but rather a sampling
of the most heinous vices. When Christians fall into these practices the name
of Jesus is tarnished in the eyes of a world that is just waiting for the Christian
to fail. These sins are public and are repulsive to most of the people even the
non-Christians. Yet, the warning is needed because Christians are often tempted
into sexual sin, quarrelsomeness, and jealousy.
How should the Christian avoid these
sins? First, we must put on the armor of Jesus Christ. Paul goes into detail
about this armor elsewhere. (Particularly in Ephesians chapter 6.) Here Paul
just urges his audience to put on the armor of Jesus Christ by imitating Him.
Paul goes on to explain that we are to not make any plans to go out and practice
sin. We are to make no allowances for the world, flesh, and the devil to trap
us into sin. We are to live as new creations by the power of the Holy Spirit
victorious over sin and its result death.
The lesson of these verses is very
urgent for our times. Too often we can become lax and lazy about how we are
living as ambassadors for Jesus in the world. These verses as a follow up to
the previous verses that call us to wake up and engage our culture lead us to
fruitful labor in the world. As Christians we are given a high calling to be
salt and light in this dark and decaying world. Let us live as awake and
engaged people working to bring honor and glory to Jesus’ name.
Lord, we come to you confessing that
we are often inattentive to your cause in the world. We would rather go along
with the world than to call it to account with the gospel. Help us to take up
the armor that Jesus provides and fight the spiritual battle that is happening
all around us. Call us to be involved in creating solutions for this world
which is perishing wherever we look. Grant that we would be able to make a difference
in the lives of those hurting souls we see and hear about every day. Amen.
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