Check Yourself

Scripture: Romans 15:14 (NIV)

14 I myself am convinced, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with knowledge and competent to instruct one another.

Scripture: Galatians 1:6-7a (NIV)

 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—which is really no gospel at all.


            The scriptures above serve as a reminder and a cautionary tale to the church today. These verses show that the apostle Paul was not afraid to speak the truth. Good news or bad news he spoke his mind as the Spirit revealed things to him. If the apostle were to write a letter addressed to your church today, what would he write? This thought should give us all pause to consider how we do church together. How tenaciously do we cling to the truths found in the gospel?

            The sharp contrast between Paul’s words to these two churches is by no means the only example of such contrasts found in the New Testament. For another clear example, study the differences in the seven letters to the churches found in Revelation Chapters two and three. There Jesus is dictating to the apostle John vastly different messages to each of these churches. The Old Testament prophets frequently employed this way of speaking to different nation groups. The messaging to God’s people throughout the Bible is always based on God’s righteous judgment.

            Whether commending of condemning, the Holy Spirit aways speaks truth to us. In that truth we can see ourselves as we truly are and take appropriate action. So, what do you think the Spirit would write to the church today? I am sure that there are individual churches that would get very different messages. Even in some of the more apostate denominations today there are good churches who faithfully proclaim the word of God and rightly administer the sacraments. There are also individual churches that would fall under condemnation for the same sins as the Galatians.

            Therefore, let us walk our walk before the Lord seeking to always cling to the gospel message. In that message there is freedom and a new life. May we encourage one another by speaking the truth in love. Let us seek the kingdom of God with righteousness so that we may receive all the blessings of that kingdom. Let us go before the throne of grace to ask God to open our eyes to His kingdom.


            Heavenly Father, glorify your name in your church today. Correct us where we have failed to be obedient and encourage us where we are living out justice and righteousness. We seek to worship you in Spirit and in truth always. You have given us the blessings of freedom. Help us to keep living as your children in this wicked and truthless world. You alone are worthy of our praise. Amen. 


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