Joy in the Lord

Scripture: Psalm 1:1-3 (NLT)

Oh, the joys of those who do not

follow the advice of the wicked,

or stand around with sinners,

or join in with mockers.

But they delight in the law of the Lord,

meditating on it day and night.

They are like trees planted along the riverbank,

bearing fruit each season.

Their leaves never wither,

and they prosper in all they do.




            Psalm One begins by contrasting the righteousness of those who fear the Lord with those who love wickedness, sinning, and mocking God. The former are filled with joy while the latter are filled with bitterness. This contrast clearly shows the benefit of being a child of God. While those of us who follow the Lord may have seasons of sadness and sorrow our lives need never be filled with bitterness and disappointment because we know that our redeemer lives.


            Indeed, we can with the psalmist rejoice in the words of scripture that declare the good news of God’s redeeming love for His people. The author says that he rejoices in the law of the Lord. We as Christians should rejoice even more because we have been given the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ. We rejoice more and more as we see the day of the Lord drawing near, knowing that we will be saved into eternal life through Jesus.


            Those who have faith in God in both the Old and the New Testaments have this hope. A hope which does not disappoint. We truly can be like trees planted along a river, never fearing drought conditions. Our lives can bear much fruit for Christ because we have an endless source of nourishment in Him. What happens around us when we are living for God can bring refreshment to all who know us. Our joy becomes contagious.

            Even the tiniest creek brings life to the plants and animals that live around it. I live by a very narrow creek, yet there are trees and small animals and even a blue heron that occasionally finds refreshment in its waters. Itis the task of the Christian to bring those around them that do not know the Lord to the river of God. There is enough water there for all to drink and be refreshed. God gives to all who come generously and without charge. Let us praise our great God.


            Lord God Almighty, we praise and worship you because you provide us with a river that never ceases to flow in our lives. Grant that we may bring many others to your river that they may taste and see that you are good. Let us be courageous to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in this hurting and dying world. Glorify your name in us. May your name be praised always by your joy filled people. Let us truly worship you in Spirit and in truth. Amen.


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