Instruct and Train Your Children

Scripture: Ephesians 6:4 (ESV)

4 Fathers do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.


            This scripture helps us who are parents properly relate to our children. While seeking to discipline and instruct very young children the occasional temper tantrum cannot be avoided. When our children are able to use language to express themselves and receive instruction then this instruction from Ephesians comes into play. Hopefully, our children will be open to correction and discipline, but we must remain firm even if they are not open to it. Parenting in Modern America has become quite challenging. But these words from Ephesians provide a map for us to follow even now.

            Our instruction of our children must aim to improve conduct without arousing anger or as the King James puts it wrath. The second phrase of this verse, which is in the form of a command, is the most important and the most difficult to implement. After all, what exactly does “discipline and instruction of the Lord” mean. We should consult the words of Jesus in the Gospels for clues to this mystery. What did Jesus say when asked what is the greatest commandment? He said that you must love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, strength, mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27)

            If we can raise our children to even come close to following these words of Jesus most of the time, we will have won a major victory. The world, the flesh, and the devil seek to destroy our kids turning them into self-centered, selfish brats. We must seek to raise our kids to be self-controlled not self-centered. We can measure our success by how much of the fruit of the spirit we see in them. If they are growing in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) we have done our job as parents.

            This verse in Ephesians is part of a longer section on parenting (Ephesians 6:1-4). Paul here makes plain his suggestion for raising kids who will keep the commandment to Honor your Father and Mother. Children who meet this requirement will be a joy to us parents when we reach old age. If we are lucky our kids may take care of us when we get older. We must try our hardest to bring our children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Let us pray that God will be merciful to us and our children.


            Dear Lord, we know that you have a special place in your heart for children. All children are special in your eyes. Help us to raise the children you have blessed us with so that they may become workers in your kingdom. Teach us how to live out and speak out your commandment to love you and our neighbor. May our children live to glorify your name always in word and deed. Amen.


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