Worship the Lord
Scripture: Psalm 64:10 (NIV)
10 The righteous will rejoice in the Lord
and take refuge in him;
all the upright in heart will glory in him!
Today we take a break from our deep study of scripture to simply rejoice in the Lord. We want to bless his holy name and praise him with all of our hearts. Verse 10 of Psalm 64 written by David really has no context that we can determine. This verse coming as the last verse of a Psalm of lament expressing deep joy and contentment with the God as a place of refuge for those who trust in him.
What blessings has God given us in the last 24 hours? Chances are we in America had plenty to eat. Praise God for farmers and all the people God uses to get our food to us. God has awakened us this day. We bless God for the gift of life and health. God has given us work to do and tasks to be accomplished. We worship him for the gift of work and a sense of purpose in our lives. God has gifted us with modern technology. Praise God for all the new inventions God has allowed humans to create
We will confess our sins to God. Rejoicing in his forgiveness for all our transgressions we worship him and give him thanks and praise. Lord, forgive us for the times we have failed you or failed to love our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Take away our sins as far as the east is from the west and bury them in the sea of your forgetfulness. We praise you that we have been released from slavery to sin and rejoice in your steadfast love.
Lord, hide us under the shadow of your wings. We thank you for being a refuge in times of trouble and distress. You are like a strong tower that we can run into when life makes us afraid or anxious. Keep us from fear Lord and make us always calm by your presence near us. Grant us peace and tranquility in our lives. May we live alongside those who do not yet know you in such peace that they will turn to us to ask how we remain at peace. Lord, grant that we may be your faithful witnesses in the world today and every day,
May we learn to praise you in the day of trouble as well as in the day of ease. Let us continually lift our hearts and voices to sing and shout praises to our God. May the sinner find redemption and release in you. May the righteous rejoice in your steadfast love that knows no boundaries.
O my heart sing and make melody before the God of heaven. God is your rock and your redeemer for today and for all time. Let all we do be done for your glory and praise. May we seek to honor you with our deeds and with our words. May you be praised, dear God, now and forevermore. Amen.
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