Perfect Peace


Scripture: Isaiah 26:3-4 (ESV)

You keep him in perfect peace

whose mind is stayed on you,

because he trusts in you.

    Trust in the Lord forever,

for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.




            Isaiah here is speaking of a future time when the Lord will establish a new city for the people of God to dwell in. Today’s verses speak of Isaiah’s vision that in the future a person can know and experience perfect peace. Literally, the Hebrew reads peace, peace here. Repetition in the Hebrew language is used to increase intensity of what is being said.


            So, we are to take these words to mean that God himself will keep a person in peace if that person’s mind is fixed on the Lord. A person’s mind can only be fixed on the Lord if they trust in God for deliverance. A person may trust in God because God is eternal, unchanging, good, and worthy of worship.


            These words are needed in today’s world. Everywhere one looks one sees unrest, violence, and war. It is only by focusing on the Lord that a person can be steadfast in hope for deliverance from the evil of the times. The world may bring its worst upon a person who is steadfast in hope on the Lord, and he will not be dismayed or moved.


            Our hope in the Lord should never waver since God is always dependable. God will always be there for us. We can always know the peace which Christ said, “passes understanding.” Even when the situation seems bleak, and it looks like God has abandoned us and left us as orphans in a storm we can have the calm assurance that God is there with us at that time. All we must do is call on him.


            Our minds should never fear or panic regardless of the trial that has come upon us. Indeed, we should not be surprised when the enemy of our souls tests us in these ways. God’s Holy Spirit remains with us through any trial or temptation. We need only to call of God and he will be with us to help us. Whether we feel the Lord’s presence of not we have a promise from God that cannot be broken. Let us pray that God will keep us in perfect peace in all situations.



            Lord, hear our prayer today. We are often tempted to take our minds off you when we are in danger or trouble. Help us we pray to keep our minds focused on you and let us concentrate our thoughts upon your blessings and help. You have always been there for your people, whether in the fiery furnace, the lion’s den, or being executed for the faith. Let us always experience your perfect peace. Amen.


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