Understanding the Times

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 12:32 (NIV)

32 from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.


            Times were changing in ancient Israel. Saul the first king of Israel and his son Johnathan had perished in battle. David had been anointed King of the land. As David went through the countryside, he gathered troops who would be loyal to him and assure his place as the king of Israel. He stopped at Hebron and gathered men from every tribe. All the nation would install David as their rightful ruler. The author of Chronicles comments about the men from every tribe. When he comes to Issachar, he gives the comment above.

            I wish it could be said that we had leaders in any field of endeavor today who would be like these men from the tribe of Issachar. Our leaders clearly have failed us as a nation when it comes to being aware of what the times require. The United States of America has been left with leaders who not only fail to see accurately what is happening right now in our nation and world. But clearly lack vision for the future of us all. We are politically being held captive between two parties who no longer talk to each other, and who no longer seek counsel from God in running the affairs of the state.

            What can the righteous do in a situation like ours? First, we need to pray and ask God to send us leaders who will seek his counsel and will for the nation and the world. The devil I am afraid already has his men in place. Our God will hopefully raise up his own forces very soon and reveal them to a waiting world. Second, we must do what we can where we are to advance the kingdom of God. We need to put our actions behind the petition from the Lord’s prayer: “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We need to let this petition change us from helpless victims to triumphant warriors for the cause of Christ.

            Having done what, we can do we must trust God with the rest. We must do our best to stay informed about what is happening in our world while not conforming to the world's way of thinking. We must exercise discernment when listening to news sources to filter fact from opinion. We must ask God to help us be wise about the times in which we live. We must use that God given wisdom to lead where we can. We must understand the times like the men of Issachar and act accordingly. Let us pray that we will grow in our knowledge of the times in which we live and receive wisdom to act accordingly.


            Lord, hear our prayer today. Give us an understanding of the times in which we live. Teach us how to fight against the forces of evil that rages all around us. For we know that we do not fight with weapons of flesh and blood, but spiritual weapons like prayer and meditation. Our enemy is shrewd and cunning, help us to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, give us the victory over these forces of darkness. Finally, Lord, grant us a humble and contrite spirit that we may fight this battle not for ourselves but for you and for your glory. Amen.


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