The Law of the Lord

Scripture: Psalm 19:9b-10 (NLT)

The laws of the Lord are true;

each one is fair.

10 They are more desirable than gold,

even the finest gold.

They are sweeter than honey,

even honey dripping from the comb.




            Let us now consider the laws of the Lord. In Psalm 19 the psalmist, David, does an extended meditation on the law of the Lord. The Torah of the Jewish faith. He uses terms we Christians do not relate well to. Yet his words are true or else they would not be recorded and preserved in scripture for us to use today. Perhaps it is us who need to examine the eyes of our hearts in reference to the law to make sure we are seeing accurately what the Lord has preserved for us in the Bible regarding his law.


            David begins by telling us that the laws of the Lord are true. Certainly, this is the case since God is a just God and would have no part in deception, Even more to the point it is only by the laws of Lord that we know the depth of our sinfulness. If the law did not present a true picture of what righteousness looked like we would never know how far short of God’s requirement we fall. We would never be driven to our knees in repentance and sorrow.


            David goes on to state how precious the law is to God’s people. It is of great worth because by it we know what the Lord requires of us. Man made laws that we follow everyday are not seen as having as much value as the law of the Lord. They are not considered as gold or rare jewels in worth. This is because man’s laws are temporary while God’s law is eternal. Things that last forever are always given greater value than temporary things.


            While it is true that Jesus gives new meaning to the law of Moses given in the Torah. The law does not perish with Jesus coming rather it is fulfilled in mighty and majestic ways. Jesus even declares that he does not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it. (Matthew 5:17) The law itself then has become even more beautiful since Jesus came than it was before.


            The law functions for the Christian as a guide to following Jesus more perfectly and fully. It serves as a warning and a reminder to walk in God’s ways. While we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus alone. The law still functions as a fence to let us know when we are exceeding the boundaries that are safe for us to walk in as Christians. Even in the governance of grace in our lives we can still sin, and the law is there to let us know when we have stepped over the line so we can repent and seek forgiveness.




            Lord thank you for your beautiful law. May we meditate on it day and night to learn how you would have us to live in this sin sick world. We need your law and your grace to live balanced and excellent lives before you and the watching world. Help us to see how your law can be a guide for us as we seek to walk in the world. Glorify your name through our obedience to your Son, Jesus. May we be light and salt in a dark and tasteless world. Amen.


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