Enduring Temptations

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 (NLT)

12 If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. 13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.


            Temptations are common to the human race. No one escapes this life without being tempted by something. Even Jesus had to endure temptation brought about by no less than the devil himself. Though tempted, Jesus did not give in to temptation, but showed us an example of how to escape temptation. The devil and his demons are intelligent creatures. They know precisely the kinds of things that will prove the most irresistible to us. They do not waste their time tempting you with things that hold no attraction to you.

            We all must be careful not to be filled with pride when we escape one temptation. Because Satan and his minions are always ready with another sin to tempt you with. During times of trial, we must cling closely to our savior if we are to survive unscathed. Do not ever think you are too holy to fall to temptation. We humans are always vulnerable to the schemes of the devil and his minions. No matter how strong you may think you are you can always be drawn into error. But thank God, he is always ready to catch us when we fall and restore us to fellowship with him if we will seek his forgiveness.

            What, we might ask, is the purpose of temptation in the life of a believer? God is obviously the superior being in the universe surely, he could stop all temptation and sin with a word from his mouth. But I am afraid the reasons for this have been withheld from human knowledge so the best we can do is suggest some possibilities. Perhaps God uses temptations to make us stronger in our faith. There could be other suggestions made but we will have to wait until we see the Lord in glory before we know for sure.

            If even Jesus had to undergo temptation, then there must be some higher purpose in undergoing and defeating temptations in this life. Just know that the Father cares for you and wants you to live a life that is faithfulness to him. God will provide us with all the strength and skills necessary to defeat temptation if we will but rely on hm. Let us pray then that we will be able to stand firm in the Lord.


            Heavenly Father, you have sent temptations to beset humans ever since Adam and Eve in the garden many thousands of years ago. You even let Satan himself tempt Jesus, your one and only begotten son in the wilderness. We do not know why you allow these things to happen. All we can do is come to your throne of grace to confess our sins and pray for strength that we may stand in times of trial and temptation. We rely on your word that you will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to resist. We give you all the thanks and glory for our deliverance. Amen. 


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