Harvest Time

Scripture: Mark 4.26-29 (NIV)

26 He [Jesus] also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like, A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”


            It is harvest time here in the Midwest where I live. Farmers are busy harvesting their crops. The parable I have selected today tells us how we got to harvest time. This story shows us how little the basics of farming have remained over time. The basic rhythms of the farmers' life have changed with modern technology, but the essential actions remain the same. Indicating that farmers have been scattering seed and waiting for the harvest for millennia. Farmers must have faith in the natural process of growth and production of a crop. Today we know what helps or hinders crop growth, but the power for growth that lies inherent in the seed is still not fully understood.

            This is told as a parable of the coming kingdom of God. What can we take away from this brief story for our use in kingdom work in today’s world? First, we see that seed must be scattered. The kingdom will not grow unless we, as Christians, are not busy sowing seeds. How do we do that? First, by our actions. We must live a life that shines with the love of God toward all people. This is an essential task. If the world looks at us and does not see anything special, then they will not look to us for spiritual wisdom. Which leads to the second way we can sow seeds for the kingdom. Our speech must be rich in faith, hope, and love. So, that our listeners will hear what we have to say and when they see it corresponds with our actions perhaps, they will believe.                       

            The speed of growth in spiritual life varies from person to person. One person seems at once to grasp the things of the spirit and grows quickly. Another person has a much more challenging time and grows more slowly. We must trust in the Lord that everyone will be ready at harvest time. In the meantime, however there is little we can do for each other as plants growing in God’s field. We can only pray for and offer words of encouragement to our fellow plantings in the garden of our God.


            Lord of the harvest hear our prayer. First, we lift up those farmers who are out in the fields. Keep them safe and protect them from all harm. Then we pray for ourselves as plants growing in God’s Garden here on earth. Help us to grow up to maturity in Christ so that we may be ready when harvest time arrives. Amen.


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