Is It Judgement Time?
Scripture: 1 Peter
4:17-19 (NIV)
17 For it is time for
judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the
outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 And,
“If it is hard for
the righteous to be saved,
what will become
of the ungodly and the sinner?”
19 So then, those who
suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful
Creator and continue to do good.
In Jesus, God did not come to judge
the world, but he came to save it. However, when Christ returns again, he will
judge each of us. Beginning with those who call themselves Christians he will
sift the actions and attitudes of each of our hearts. Even those who consider
themselves saved will be judged by the just judge. We should consider ourselves
warned and repent of our sinful actions and attitudes. While those who have
truly received Jesus as their Savior and Lord will go on to eternal life. Even
those will have their works tested by fire.
The unbeliever or the one who is a
Christian in name only will go on to eternal punishment. Remember that God is
just and completely holy so he cannot allow those whose sins are not covered by
the blood of Jesus spilled at the cross to enter heaven where he dwells. Those
who have heard the good news about Jesus Christ and willfully chose to reject
him will go on to heavy punishment. While those who never had the opportunity
to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ will receive lighter punishment.
When you ask will this judgement
take place? There will be a final judgement when Jesus returns to claim his own
living and dead. Where all people will receive from God the just reward for their
actions in this life. Yet there is a judgement that is more immediate, when each
person dies, he is judged and sent to hell or heaven depending on their
relationship with Jesus. There each person awaits their final judgement. Once
you have died there is no turning back. Then each person must pay the penalty
or receive a reward for what they have done during this life.
I realize these views may strike the
modern ear as old fashioned or unloving, however Jesus is neither old fashioned
nor unloving so I will not be either, Jesus loves you, regardless of whether
you return his love or not. So please, if you do not love the Lord with all your
heart, soul, mind, and strength please turn around and seek God’s face while he
may be found,
Father God, please let this message
of your justice and mercy affect the hearts of those who need your love and
mercy today. Fill us up with passion to seek those who need this message of
hope and love that we may teach them your ways. Pray to receive God’s direction
on how to apply God’s message to your own life today. Amen.
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