
Scripture: Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.


            Today’s scripture was originally written as a word for slaves who were members of the church. However, it can easily be applied to any one of us. It comes to us then as a general instruction on our attitude towards the work that we do.

            The instructions are clear for us. We are to put everything we have into the work that we do. Not trying to please men but trying to please God. We are not to be slackers and work only when somebody is watching over us. We know that God is always watching over us and he will reward the faithful worker.

            The scripture promises an inheritance to the person who is diligent about their work. It is not clear exactly what this inheritance might be but since it comes from the Lord directly, we can be assured that it is worth working for.

            Finally, we are to always remember that it is not our bosses that we are ultimately serving but we are serving Jesus Christ himself. What kind of work would you like to offer to your Lord and master? Only our best will do.

            Today, there seems to be some who will advocate for doing only the minimum required to get by at work. These verses of scripture flatly reject that thought. Wholehearted devotion to the Lord means that we must be diligent about the work we are given to do. Keeping in mind that our work is not assigned to us by our human bosses but by God himself. God expects the results of our work to be our best possible results.

            Doing our work as if we are working directly for the Lord also implies that we should have a good attitude at work. We should do our work as joyfully as possible. We should spread a positive attitude throughout our workplaces. Because we know that God will be pleased with our attitude and our human bosses will be amazed that we can do our work cheerfully. A negative office environment should be countered with our own positive attitude.

            While we should never accept abuse at work. Otherwise, we should be willing to go above and beyond the minimum requirements in our work. Treating our coworkers and bosses with respect and even Christian love. This will not only make work more enjoyable for you it will bring glory to God whom you are representing at work. Let us pray for strength to serve the Lord at work.


            Lord, we ask you to give us your supernatural power to do the work we have been called to with excellence and diligence. May we bring glory to Christ in all we do. Let everything we do and every relationship we have at work be opportunities to represent Christ in the workplace. Amen.


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