God’s Promise

Scripture: Isaiah 41:9b-10 (NIV)

[God] said, ‘You are my servant;’

I have chosen you and have not rejected you.

10 So do not fear, for I am with you;

do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.



            Our scripture today comes to us from a promise God made to Israel after their return from exile in Babylon. These words were meant to be an assurance of God’s good intentions to a people still in shock after their deportation to a foreign land. Later the servant was identified with Jesus as he rescued all people from spiritual death and destruction. Finally, the words have been interpreted to be a promise for all believers in the daily struggles of living in a world that is sometimes very hostile to their beliefs.


            The promise of these words today for us is very reassuring. They begin by affirming that God has indeed called believers out of the world by his sovereign choice. It is not by accident that we are Christians. God calls us because he has a plan for each of us to fulfill in his church. We each can depend on God’s salvation as his gift to each of us. Our names were written in the lamb’s book of life before any of them had come to pass. Even though we go through seasons where we may feel that God has rejected us for some reason, God here reaffirms that he is our God, and nothing can snatch us out of his mighty hands.


            God declares to us that we need not fear anything because he is walking right beside us through all of life’s changes. God knows that we will at times become discouraged in our walk with him, so he always assures us of his presence with us. It is a wonderous thing to know that the God who created the universe cares enough about you and me that he will walk beside us through all of life’s struggles, heartaches, and despair. Let us be encouraged then to walk our life with boldness knowing that God is right beside us on our journey.


            God promises to provide specific help to his beloved children. Strength and help are always available from our Father in heaven. God does not merely walk beside us as our companion along the way. He cares deeply for each of his children and seeks to help them in any way possible as they walk in his care. In this world we will have trouble, Jesus advises us, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. Jesus echoes the Fathers promise above. For all who seek the Lord’s help will find it.




            Lord thank you for walking with us today. We rejoice knowing that you have not left us orphans but are a Father to each one of us. Grant that we may walk in boldness and confidence in your provision for us in this life. Help those of us who need help. Sustain the weak and faltering among us. Make your presence felt as we walk with you so that we may trust deeply in your sustaining care. Amen.


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