When There is no King

Scripture: Judges 21.25 (NIV)

25 In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.


            This scripture relates to a time when the last of the Judges who had ruled Israel had died and the people had no one to lead them. Things were bad. There were wars, killings, rapes, and kidnapping of women. General disorder and crime ruled the streets of ancient Israel. There was a power vacuum, and the worst elements of society took over the country and made living very hard. The people eventually cried out to God and against God’s wishes he installed a king over Israel.

            Today, we do not have kings anymore for the most part. But our leaders refuse to really lead the people, so crime rules our streets in many places. Businesses have been forced to close down because there is so much shoplifting, they cannot remain open. Homeless people and drug addicts are a common sight in our big cities. Human waste and used drug needles litter the ground everywhere. The police are ineffective because there is no justice in the courts. Criminals are arrested and then returned to the streets the very same day to commit more crimes.

            Everyone is left to their own devices to survive on the streets. God is ignored and so has not blessed the land as he once did. As in the days of the Judges in Israel people did not fear God or seek his blessing therefore, evil ruled the day. So, in our day the land is choked with evil with our leaders either ignorant or blind to the suffering of the people. Polls show that a vast majority of people think this country is on a very bad path. Leaving God out of the picture has not worked out well for us.

            God’s people have not been doing what they should be to save this country from itself. Instead of calling for a time of prayer and fasting leading to a time of deep repentance and lament for our condition. We have leaned on our own understanding and followed the whims of our own feelings. All this leading to an epidemic of mental illness and suicide. Many youth and children report being depressed and suicidal. The church must provide a sanctuary and a place of hope for the nation to turn to in these distressing times. Yet she has remained largely silent and unavailable to provide the kind of aid required to meet our culture's situation.

            Jesus is calling us as his church to be salt and light in the world. We are to shine a bright light on the darkest corners of our nation to help us rid ourselves of the crime and violence on our streets. We must go to those dark places offering the light of salvation and healing to the broken places of our country. Likewise, we are called to be salt. A preservative to stop our countries rotting away and keep our beloved country from dying a slow and horrible death. We must act in ways that make faith attractive to a culture easily distracted by its toys and technology.

Let us pray for our dear nation;

            Lord God Almighty we praise you because you are still on the throne in heaven. You would not have this country die a slow and horrible death. You want us to flourish like the flowers in springtime. Send your Holy Spirit upon this nation and revive it again. May there be a great awakening like none before that sweeps across our land. May people bend the knee to Jesus and raise their hands in fervent praise for all you have done and will do for this nation. Amen


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