Suffering for Doing the Right Things

Scripture: 1 Peter 3:13 (ESV)

13 Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled,


            Today’s scripture provides us encouragement for those times when we bear punishment for following Jesus and acting according to his commands. Peter first asks the rhetorical question “who is there to punish you for doing good.” For the most part it is true that living a life of grace and peace will usually not get you into any trouble. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, providing shelter for the homeless, etc. will not usually get you into any trouble with anyone. Whether in Peter’s day or ours these actions are good things to do.

            However, there are things that Peter’s original readers/hearers would have done that would be seen as dangerous and unacceptable. Simply preaching the gospel message would earn you the ire of Jewish people. Not sacrificing to the Caesar would get you into hot water with the authorities. There were many such things that could land you in hot water even jail or death. But these early Christians confused the authorities. They went about doing good to their neighbors all the time. Taking care of the sick, imprisoned, the widow and the orphan. Even treating with kindness those who accused them of wrongdoing. They even saved babies that had been left to die. Raising them as if they were their own. Yet they refused to worship the emperor or participate in other civic duties imposed on them by the Romans.

            So, it is in our day. Christians run hospitals, homeless shelters, thrift stores, and a myriad of other projects that help the sick, the poor and the down on their luck. For these ministries, the church is not persecuted. But hold to a scriptural view of marriage, oppose abortion on demand, call for sexual purity, or simply present the gospel in public, and you will feel the opposition to doing this work. Peter knows that these things will happen both to his original audience and to those who follow Christ right down to this very day.

            Therefore, Peter encourages our hearts with a promise of the blessing of God even when we are punished for doing what is good in God’s eyes. No Christian need fear any punishment that the world can dish out up to and including death. God is the righteous judge who will take care of the souls that perish in service to God. We have a savior that gave his very life that we might be saved from eternal death. We know God has the power and the authority to rule the nations and that he will be honored as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


            Lord, we lift your name on high. You give us the power to witness your love and salvation no matter what trials we must endure. Strengthen us to walk in your ways without shrinking back at the first sign of trouble. Encourage our hearts Jesus, that we may live lives that please and honor you. Let us stand with the poor, the lonely, and the marginalized meeting their needs and strengthening their bodies, minds, and spirits. May we do all this in the name of your blessed son. Amen 


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