What Does God do When a Nation Sins


Scripture: Romans 1:28 (ESV)

28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.


            Warning to comfortable Christian the content of this devotion may cause you to care and get out of your recliner and get to work for the Lord. Most everyone in America can plainly see that we are headed for a collision with disaster. There is violence in the streets of our major cities of record proportions. Addiction and suicide rates are near all-time highs. Church attendance has fallen off dramatically. The economy has record inflation. There is little to be optimistic about on the American scene right now.

            Why is this happening? That seems like a reasonable question to ask at a time like this. Today’s scripture points us in the direction of a possible answer. Now more than ever most American have turned their backs on God. Americans have lost confidence in God’s church to provide relevant answers to today’s complex and seemingly unsolvable problems. leaving us hopeless, helpless, and homesick.

            Some may counter with scriptures like Romans 8:28 does God not make things work out for the good to those who believe? Yes, God does do that. However, that is not our current situation. People in our present culture are determined not to acknowledge God in their lives. There is currently a rebellion among unbelievers but also among some who were in the faith. They are deliberately turning away from God and following their own way.

            God, being ever the gentleman, gives them what they ask for. God lets them sin and sin and sin and when things do not turn out the way they wish they have the boldness to blame God for causing their problems. What the world must realize is that even though our earthly governments may be democratic, socialist, or religious. There is someone who is truly pulling the strings behind this whole puppet show.

            The scriptures are very plain when they declare who the ultimate ruler of earth and indeed the universe really is. God is in control. Psalm 22:28 says it aloud:       For the kingdom is the Lord’s:

And he is the governor among the nations. (KJV). Elsewhere in scripture we are taught that God is behind every government from Nero to Hitler, from Washington to Lincoln. Nations get the leaders they asked for by their response to God.

            Therefore, we know what we must do to enjoy God’s favor on our nation once again. We must praise God and repent of our sinful ways. We need to ask for our minds to be renewed by the washing regeneration of the Holy Spirit. We need a full-scale revival among God’s people that spreads and effects all of society. Finally, we must put Godly persons in office so they can lead our nation on the paths of holiness again.


            Father in Heaven we glorify your name together as one people who seek to live under your law of love forever. Heal us of the ways we ignore your rule over our lives and seek what pleases ourselves. May our changed lives inspire a watching world to want to know more about you. Heal our wounds and forgive us for the way we have wounded others. Let us live for you each day. Amen.


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