Search for Wisdom


Scripture: Proverbs 2:1-5 (ESV)

My son, if you receive my words

and treasure up my commandments with you,

      making your ear attentive to wisdom

and inclining your heart to understanding;

      yes, if you call out for insight

and raise your voice for understanding,

      if you seek it like silver

and search for it as for hidden treasures,

      then you will understand the fear of the Lord

and find the knowledge of God.



            The computer in all its various forms from cell phone to mainframe have revolutionized our world. With a cell phone in hand, you have access to more knowledge than could have ever been imagined just 20 years ago. The amount of information available to us today is incredible. We have a knowledge glut, yet somehow, we are poorer than ever in wisdom. Particularly Godly Biblical wisdom is in extremely short supply right now.


            Certainly, we have techniques for accumulating knowledge, but we lack the ability to find wisdom. The Bible is very open about where to find wisdom, yet so few find it. Why? I believe our number one problem is that wisdom, unlike knowledge, must be searched for. The teacher in today’s scripture makes it abundantly clear that in order to find wisdom we must dedicate ourselves to the search for it.


            Another problem we have today is that there is so much information out there that it clouds our vision so we cannot see the wisdom hidden in all that data. There are only 24 hours in a day. We find it hard to manage all that data we receive every day. What is important? What is urgent? How do we decide what to pay attention to with our limited ability to absorb and process all that data?


            Today’s scripture offers some suggestions. First find a trusted friend to listen to for advice. This should be someone who seems to have both a wealth of knowledge and a store of wisdom. Listen to what they say. Check it with the Bible. Verify and apply their wisdom to your life. Go out and find sources of wisdom. The Bible should be the first source in our hunt for wisdom. This entire book of Proverbs is given over to nothing but wisdom teaching. Also check the words of Jesus in the gospels. Learn from the creator, redeemer, sustainer of our lives how to live better.


            Mine every source you can. The Lord promises to give wisdom to those who seek it sincerely. Search the teachings of the church fathers and mothers. The wisdom of the saints who have gone before us are a vital source for wisdom. Collecting wisdom is one of life’s most important occupations. Make searching for wisdom a daily exercise and you will be surprised by what you learn. If you search diligently, you will obtain the wisdom that you seek. You will truly understand what it means to fear the Lord and the knowledge of God.



            Lord hear our desperate cry for your wisdom. We need it so much in our day and age and yet it is difficult to find. Open our minds and our hearts to receive your wisdom more and more every day. Bless us with wisdom to match our knowledge. Amen.


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