Roe v Wade Winners? Losers?


For those of you who regularly read my writings on social media know that I usually start my writing by quoting a scripture passage. Today I write without that heading lest anyone get the idea that I think what I am about to say has the approval of God. What I am about to say has been laid on my heart to say by reading other writers who have tackled this story. I am not sure that my opinions have God’s blessing. So here you have it straight from my heart to yours.

First, concerning the legal issues concerning this decision. I am just a layman when it comes to legal matters, so I will leave the heavy lifting to those who are experts. Those who are reputed to be experts disagree openly about whether this was a “good” decision or not. Most seem to agree that the original “Roe” and its follow up decision “Casey” were not excellently written decisions. They both contain flaws as does the “Dobbs” decision that overturned them. Pointing not to any deliberate wrongdoing on the part of the writers of these decisions but the pointing to our basic fallen human condition. We must stop providing motives to both those we agree and disagree with and simply rely on the fact that they are humans like us. They are doing the best they can. Sometimes we all get things wrong. Terribly wrong, but that does not make us evil.

Second, regarding the religious issues at stake in this decision. In this I again plead ignorance. I am a seminary educated idiot when it comes to religious matters. What I have learned makes me all the more aware of what I do not know in this field. The Dobbs decision in my opinion means only one thing for the church. That is, we have more work to do. If even a fraction of the babies that would have been aborted were Roe allowed to stand, are born. Someone is going to have to help take care of these babies and their mothers. And I can guarantee that planned parenthood will not step up to the plate here. The church and parachurch ministries must stand ready to assist these babies and their mothers with prenatal and postnatal care. Both from a physical standpoint and a spiritual standpoint the people of God must assist. Much as our forbearers in the faith did in 1st century Rome by saving babies left to die during that time. Jesus never turned away from or failed to heal/raise the little children he met and cared for.

Politically, we must work together across the aisle to assist these families in need. The church should do the bulk of the work, but the government should assist in anyway it can by making policies that make it easier to adopt and care for those children who are left with no capable parent. Any attempt to make abortion legal in all 50 states without exception will fail. Each state must do as it sees fit according to the will of the people in that state. The policies will vary wildly from state to state but that is the genius of the American form of government. We all recognize that laws that work in Alaska will fail miserably in Florida. This is the beauty of democracy.


            Lord teach us to love each other as you loved us. Our politics divides us, but we cannot let it drive us apart. These children we are talking about when we discuss abortion must be given moral weight and consideration when we make our laws and moral choices. Keep us from judging others harshly. Let us show grace and compassion toward the other person who we are disputing with, let this be our rule of life. May we never forget the 60+ million unborn babies that have lost their right to life. While we hold up in prayer the 60+ million moms who made that difficult decision to abort their babies. Amen


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