A Good Beginning


Scripture: Genesis 1:1 (NIV)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


            Today we meditate on the beginning and its importance to our Christian belief. Beginnings are important. I was just blessed with the birth of my first grandchild. Now even though I have not had the opportunity to physically hold my grandchild in person, through the modern arts of photography and video I still feel close to this little one. To me he is perfect. His beginnings have been incredibly good. He even lets his parents sleep in peace a little each night. My grandson is truly created in the image of God.

            But great beginnings are not only important for new life. Beginnings are important in every enterprise humans undertake. From building complex machines to building skyscrapers 100’s of stories tall it is the beginning that will determine success or failure.

            When we look around at the universe, we see that it has a very firm foundation. It operates seemingly flawlessly and effortlessly. However, modern science has discovered that it is fine tuned for life. One little flaw in the makeup of the tiniest of particles would be enough to end the universe and life as we know it.

            Therefore, if we can believe this simple statement of scripture from Genesis, we can have faith and trust in God for all of life. Belief in an orderly created universe made by a personal yet powerful God gives us the faith to trust in the rest of scripture. Because if God can create all we observe with our senses, then God can do any of the miracles written about in the Bible.

            There is no greater miracle than creating something out of nothing. If a, being we call God is responsible for all of the things, including us humans, then we know we live in an intrinsically safe and benevolent universe. We know that the universe is fraught with seeming dangerous things, however, as we step back and look, we know that everything in this universe is functioning according to its maker's design.

            Atheists insist that the universe is a random and haphazard place. They cannot bring themselves to open their senses to the order and peace that prevails in this place we call home. Atheists do not want to be hemmed in by any sense of order. Their desire is to be in control of their own little spaces on this planet for 70 or so years and then simply disappear back into the universe from which they came.

            We as Christians must challenge this view of life. We must insist that the world was made according to God’s plan and design. The world that my son and daughter-in-law have made for the new baby is full of love and safety. Even so the universe is designed by God to be a safe and loving place for all humans and indeed all life.


            Lord, bless this human race with eyes to see and discover your creative mark upon the universe. Grant us faith to hold onto the promise of your creative love for all that you have made. Teach us to be accurate observers of your universe so that we may live according to the way You designed it. Let us give glory to you for all of your creation and return your gift by using our own intelligence and creativity to make your world a safer more loving place to live. Amen.


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