Trust God’s Word

Scripture: Isaiah 55:10-11 (ESV)

10    “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven

and do not return there but water the earth,

       making it bring forth and sprout,

giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,

11    so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;

it shall not return to me empty,

       but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,

and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.



            Living in the lush farmland of Northern Illinois one marvels at the effect of rain on our crops and gardens. We know the local weather well enough to know whether or not we need rain. So far, this year has been rather good for farmers both professional and amateurs. We know the role that rain, and sun play in this mystery called germination and growth. We praise God for all his gifts to us. God knows that we need for our crops to grow, and he sends rain and sun to provide the miracle of a table packed with food at dinnertime. We take God for granted in this little corner of heaven called northern Illinois.


            Living in this culture, however, is an entirely unique experience for us. In large part due to our lack of faith in the promises of God in the Bible. We look around us in our culture and we do not see well-tended fields but rather raging wildfires that threaten to blacken all our civic institutions burning them to a crisp. The culture has in large part abandoned any idea that God can play any role in society. The church has withdrawn from the culture to the point that we are largely irrelevant to the discussions of moral and political issues of our day.


            We need not despair, however. In today’s scripture we read that in addition to the rains God sends on the natural world, God also has “watered” us with His word. Those who are immersed in God’s word have every reason to hope for the future. God’s word tells us repeatedly not to fear. There is a plan for your life. That plan may not be without pain and heartache, but it is a plan that will work everything out for our ultimate good if we will just believe and live into the plans God has for us. 


            In today’s scripture we are promised that all God says God will do. God’s purposes in the world will be accomplished. We ask God continually that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God hears and answer those prayers. We can trust that nothing can get in the way of God’s words accomplishing His goals. Whatever our needs may be God supplies them. Sometimes in surprising ways that we do not expect. Let us rejoice in God’s good plan for our lives.



            Lord, we thank you for your provision for our lives. We know that you love us. You sent your only son to die on our behalf so long ago. Help us never forget to be thankful for the good gifts you have provided for us. Help us to learn to live grateful lives for the abundance you pour down upon us every day. Let us glorify your name from now till the end of time. Amen


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