Watch Out!
Scripture: Luke
21:34-36 (NLT)
34 “Watch out! Don’t
let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of
this life. Don’t let that day catch you unaware, 35 like a
trap. For that day will come upon everyone living on the earth. 36 Keep
alert at all times. And pray that you might be strong enough to escape these
coming horrors and stand before the Son of Man.”
The words of Jesus above concern
what will happen in the last days of this earth. They contain wisdom for us to
apply to our lives. What they do not contain, however, is an exact date and time
for us to know when the end will come. There have been oceans of ink spilled
regarding the end times and what will happen then. What is contained in the
above paragraph is a reliable guide for us to live in these days. They are good
advice whether the end is near or still aways off,
Jesus starts this teaching by
commanding us to “Watch out.” He is plainly telling us to always be alert to
his second coming and the end of this present world system. We are to be alert and
not be weary of watching for His return. In this 21st chapter of
Luke Jesus has been giving us some signs of his coming. We will cover some of
them in upcoming devotions. For now, it is enough to know that we are to be
ever vigilant. Watching and waiting for our beloved savior to return.
Jesus then proceeds to warn us
against some behaviors that will keep us from being prepared for His return. The
Greek word translated carousing is a strong Greek word for wild uninhibited
behavior. While drunkenness means just what it says. To be intoxicated on alcoholic
beverages. These behaviors are never to be true of a Christian. They will
definitely keep you from being awake and watching for the savior’s return.
Jesus goes on to say that we are not to be distracted by the worries of this
life. What does Jesus mean by “the worries of this life.” We need only to look
back to Matthew 6:25-34 to find Jesus talking about the cares of this life. Eliminating
anxiety over worldly things is an important first step to being ready for Jesus’
Then Jesus urges us again to be alert
and aware of the times in which we are living. He says that if we are not awake
and aware of His coming, we may be trapped, unprepared for His appearing. We
are to be praying for strength so that we may be strong enough to escape the
trials and tribulations that will precede Jesus’ return. We are to pray that we
will be able to stand before our savior on the day of his return. So let us now
pray for that strength:
Blessed Jesus, we praise you because
you have promised to return to your people and make all things new. Hear us as
we pray for strength and courage to live through these days of waiting for your
return. Keep us ever watchful for the signs of your coming. Create in us
willing hearts so that we gladly wait for your return. Rejoicing in all trials
and faithful through all difficulties. Amen.
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