Prayer for Unity

Scripture: John 17:11 (ESV)

Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one.


            Unity among Christians particularly Christians of different denominations has been a challenging thing to find in these days. Not only do denominations have disputes (sometimes valid, sometimes not so much) between themselves. Which is bad enough on its own. Even denominations are having battles within themselves. Causing very real pain and anguish for God’s people. What can be done about this tragic situation? As always, the answer will be found in obeying Jesus’ command to “follow me.” In the scripture above Jesus prays that his followers would be united even as Jesus as part of the trinity is united with his Father.

            Given the facts on the ground in the United States and throughout the western world unity is now more of a necessity than ever before. With the culture seeing other groups' rights as more basic and important than the rights of freedom of speech and religion. Christians having a united front to face these challenges is essential. No longer can we refuse to work together. We must be willing to put our doctrinal squabbles away and focus on moving forward in a culture that is openly hostile to the Christian message.

            Jesus' prayer in John chapter 17 is a call for unity that transcends time and place. His prayer can be appropriated for today’s situation just as much as it fits the original hearers of these words. Jesus’ disciples would need to be united. Rome and the Jewish religious establishment were going to be pressing hard against them. Most of them would face a martyr's death. There was simply no room for division among them. While most of us will not face death by crucifixion we will face other resistance to our Christian message.

            In this modern culture local churches must work together now more than ever. We must meet the challenges of each city, town, and village directly. If we do not rise to the challenge, then we will bear the results of that loss. Disciples of Jesus must not shrink back from the conflict that is sure to come our way. We must not say as Israel did in Numbers 13:25-14:4 that it is an impossible battle, and we cannot win. We must be like Caleb and believe in the righteousness of our cause and that with God backing us we cannot fail.

            There is a new generation on the rise in America today. A generation that ignores God and spiritual things. A generation that is more likely to believe that Christianity is the problem not the solution. Let us reach out to our world and offer them Christ. Let us pray for courage to meet the challenge of today:


            Holy Father we pray as Jesus prayed that we would be one. We know that Jesus wanted his disciples to be united even in the wake of disagreements. Help us to be effective ministers in the world. Amen.


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