The Coming King


Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-3a (ESV)

There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse,

and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.

                      And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him,

the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,

the Spirit of counsel and might,

the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

                      And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.




            Here in Isaiah, we find a prophesy that was most certainly fulfilled centuries later with the birth of Jesus. There is no Old Testament figure that meets the qualifications of this prophecy. Jesus is truly the offspring of Jesse and a branch that bears much fruit. The historical situation is that the stump of Jesse is dried up; There seems to be no heir to of Jessie to claim the throne. However, the New Testament reveals Jesus as an heir to the throne of David. But Jesus is revealed as more than an earthly heir to the throne he is one who is born of God and therefore Jesus is the coming Messiah.


            Isaiah predicts that the coming one will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. The Spirit of the Lord will be upon him with all power. He will be given all wisdom and understanding, all counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. Indeed, the Spirit of the Lord will be the thing he delights in most. These traits will be super abundant in Jesus. He will go about practicing these gifts of the spirit to prove his divinity and his power. His power and wisdom will confirm that he is the promised messiah. And his final miracle being raised from the dead will prove beyond all doubt that God is with us forever. As our Messiah and Lord, he will rule forever.


            Many people will, however, will not find all these signs and wonder are proof that Jesus is the messiah. They will cling to the belief that there are no miracles, and that all Jesus did up to and including his resurrection are simply natural events that have natural explanations. They will reap the reward of their unbelief on the last day when all are called to account for what they did with Jesus. They will find that they have chosen eternal separation from God and have no choice to suffer eternal separation from the: Lord the giver of life. I know this message is not popular in this day and age, but it is found in the scriptures, and I must proclaim it.


            So let me encourage all that read these words to repent, and trust is Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Jesus is waiting for people to come to him and worship him as Lord and savior. Doing this will seal your eternal fate as a child of God. If you have done that confess your belief to all you meet. Notice the change that will take place within you and rejoice at what God has done for you. I urge you to find a church where the whole council of God is preached where you can grow and be fruitful for the kingdom. Amen.


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