A Life Without Lack

Scripture: Psalm 23:1-3 (ESV)


          The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

                      He makes me lie down in green pastures.

                        He leads me beside still waters.

                      He restores my soul.

                        He leads me in paths of righteousness

for his name’s sake.


            We begin today to look at the familiar words of the 23rd psalm. As we consider these words, we will look at what David meant when he wrote these words, and what they may mean for us today. There is no doubt that this psalm is, among the 150 psalms, the one with which people are most familiar. It is used widely in times of grief and sickness to bring comfort to people in pain and loss.

            The first verse declares that God is leading us. We are but sheep and he is our shepherd. It is comforting to note that the God who created all of the universe is personally watching over those who follow him. The result of God’s watchful care is that we will lack nothing that is vital to our flourishing. While we may think that we need something that God is not providing for us at any given moment we must trust that our shepherd has our eternal well being in mind. If we can be content with what our shepherd provides, we will be truly blessed.

            David begins to draw word pictures for us. We want us to picture ourselves as contented sheep resting in the care of the good shepherd. David relies on his intimate knowledge of how sheep behave to show us the richness of the shepherd's provision. A shepherd knows that only a sheep who is not hungry will lie down. Otherwise, the sheep will remain standing and grazing until its hunger is satisfied. Likewise, a sheep that is thirsty will stop and take a drink from still waters, so that God’s sheep must be neither hungry nor thirsty because God is providing for them.

            As the psalmist declares in the third verse above, our Lord provides for, not only our physical needs, but for our spiritual needs as well. God refreshes our very souls with his loving touch. The shepherd in the middle east will lead his flock from the front. The shepherd will not walk behind the flock driving them. The picture of being led in right paths is one of a shepherd leading his flock on smooth and easy to walk paths. Thus, the shepherd is seen as one who genuinely cares for his flock and guides them in the way they should go. Let us thank the Shepherd of our Souls for is caring touch and leadership:


            Lord, we thank you for the way you lead us on good paths. Thank you for providing good pasture and clean water for us to grow in our physical and spiritual life. Help us to always sing your praises to the watching and wondering world that is without a shepherd to guide them. God, let us follow you closely and keep the eyes of our heart fixed on you so we never stray from the path you are guiding us on. Amen.


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