Bless the Lord


Scripture: Psalm 104:1-4 (ESV)

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

O Lord my God, you are very great!

       You are clothed with splendor and majesty,

        covering yourself with light as with a garment,

stretching out the heavens like a tent.

    He lays the beams of his chambers on the waters;

       he makes the clouds his chariot;

he rides on the wings of the wind;

    he makes his messengers winds,

his ministers a flaming fire.




            Today I felt moved in my soul to offer God praise and worship. So instead of commentary on each line of scripture I will simply use this psalm as a basis for proclaiming God’s glory and his wonderful gifts to those of us who are blessed to be God’s image bearers.


            When we praise God the urge to worship comes from deep within us. It comes from that part of us we call the soul. When our souls are tuned in to God praise cannot help but stirred to worship our creator, redeemer, and friend. When our souls come face to face with God there seems to be praise erupting from the very core of our being. Myself when I come to realize the presence of God with me, I cannot help but fall on my knees in an act of submission to my Lord and my God. Words seem to fail me, and I feel the Holy Spirit interceding for me with words to deep for verbal expression.


            When I am so disposed to feel God’s wonderful presence my mind meditates on all God’s wonderful works. I see that God has provided a beautiful world. Full of natural wonders that the mind can scarcely take it in. From the Grand Canyon to Mount Everest and everything in between seem to shout the majesty and power of our God. Even the farmland of the Midwest and Great Plaines proclaim your abundant provision for mankind. Field after field waving in the wind soon to produce a harvest of unbelievable abundance.


            Even the skies above us are full of your super-abundant creation. Scientist tell us that the number of stars, galaxies, and universes contain unknown trillions and trillions of stars. This creation is beyond the human ability to comprehend. Our own solar system boggles the mind. The fine tuning that is necessary to sustain life is incalculable. Yet you created it all. As we are struck by the complexity of nature on the earth and the sky we wonder with the psalmist “what is man that you are mindful of him:” (Psalm 8.4)


            I urge you to read this Psalm in its entirety today some time. It is only 35 verses long and it will move your heart to praise our creator. It will help you meditate on just how great is our God. May God bless your day. Amen.


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