God’s Goodness


Scripture: Romans 8:28 (NIV)

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


            It is safe to say that the above quoted verse is certainly one of the most loved and memorized verses in all of scripture. Its promise seems unreservedly good. And it can be a great comfort in time of distress or loss. But it was intended for more than just a pleasant thought in times of distress and pain. It is a call to greater belief in the Creator God. It confirms that God does watch over his people with a jealous love that seeks to have every last detail of life work out for the benefit of God’s children

            The first question we come to in verse 28 is this. What do these words actually mean as the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write them down for us. One thing they cannot mean is that every person regardless of their relationship with God is promised that they will be saved in the end at the judgement seat of God. God calls those whom he elects. The elect love God with self-sacrificing love. Not that they are saved because of their love. Rather those who are called love God because of their calling. Just what does Paul mean when he says God works all things for the good. All people go through tough times and suffer many pains. How can God allow such things to happen or possibly makes something evil turn out for good?

            We could sit here and give anecdotes and theological musings all day. The truth is we would not be able to produce a fully satisfactory answer to the question. Many much brighter minds than mine have attempted to do so and their efforts have been found lacking. In order to believe such a thing a person must hold a belief in a God who created the universe and put humans in it because one of His primary attributes is love. Not anything like what we call love in our own experience, but a love that never fails, never gets frustrated with the failings of the beloved and constantly seeks for our good.

            What should be the human response to a Creator who loves his creation this much? I believe that our response must be to love God and our fellow humans (as best as we can attempt it) with the same love we have received from God. This receiving and giving of love is the acting out of our calling. We are called by God to the purpose of loving Him and each other. Without this love we are (as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13) just a noisy instrument not making any real music. So, let us go to prayer that we may receive and give the great love God blesses us with.


            Holy God, we come before you in wonder, love, and praise. We know that you loved us enough to send Jesus to die on a cross to forever forgive our sins. Truly greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends. You made even Jesus’ death on a cross work out for our benefit. You truly bring out the beauty of your love from the ashes that are our lives. Thank you, Father, for all your good gifts to us. Amen.


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