

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.


            I have observed that many folks who call themselves Christian are living lives of fear. They are afraid that if they say the wrong thing, the not politically correct thing, they will be fired from their job. They fear they will suffer harassment and embarrassment in front of coworkers, friends, and family. Perhaps even, God forbid, physical violence. Such reactions are all too human. We have probably all choked back some criticism of some action or situation out of fear of the consequences. We all have that part of us that wants to be liked and approved of by our peers and coworkers.

            What Paul is teaching here to his son in the faith Timothy was that we do not need to be timid and shy about our faith. On the other hand, we are to follow Ephesians 4:15, we are to speak the truth in love. And in 1 Peter 3:15 we read “15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” therefore we are to be prepared to speak up for our faith but do it in a gentle way.

            Paul in this scripture acknowledges that we have power to speak an appropriate word at a fitting time. But that word must be tempered with the love of God. Gentleness has all but disappeared from the words people speak today. The greatest achievement one can do in verbal discussion these days is too “own” or “destroy” your opponent. Superior rhetorical skill is prized among the talking heads on the cable news networks. In our day and age to be self-controlled in your speech is considered a weakness to be avoided.

            So, what is a Christian to do in an age where dialogue is so debased, angry, and mean-spirited. It is a requirement for Christians to engage the culture. We will be hated for speaking up for Christ and Christlike values in today’s culture. We must pay no attention to the critics and the trolls who will attack us often. We have good news to declare to the world and we cannot be silent. No matter what the culture throws at us we are to remain self-controlled and speak the truth with love to our opponents.

            By maintaining a Christlike posture when we are discussing matters of ethics and faith will always irritate our opponent. They are simply desiring to get us upset. However, if we can maintain our composure we will prevail for Christ. Let us, therefore, do the difficult and love our enemies even while we debate with them the superiority of the Christian world view. Let us pray:


            Lord help us maintain self-control at all times. That those who watch our manner of life may have no complaint against us. May we speak the truth in love to all and be prepared to give a defense for the hope we have in Jesus to everyone who asks us. Protect us Lord against all physical violence and verbal abuse that we may receive as a result of standing up for you in this crazy world. Amen


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