Conspiracy Theories
Scripture: Isaiah 8:11-13 (ESV) 11 For the Lord spoke thus to me with his strong hand upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying: 12 “Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. 13 But the Lord of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread Devotion: Today, conspiracy theories abound everywhere in our culture. Especially via the internet these wild rumors have taken root like a weed that refuses to be removed. We plainly see from today’s scripture that these conspiracies are not a new thing. God here instructs Isaiah to warn the people centuries before Christ was born not follow the conspiracies of the day. Of course, Israel did not possess the internet, but the damage that can be done by rumors and conspiracy theories was just as intense. ...