What is Heaven Like?


One of the most common questions people ask about God is: What does he want from me? What is his plan for my life? How can I please him and fulfill his purpose?

The answer to these questions is not a secret or a mystery. It is revealed in his word and in the scriptures that he inspired and preserved for us. One of the most beautiful and powerful verses summarizing God's will for us is 1 Corinthians 2:9.

"But, as it is written, 'What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him'"

This verse tells us three amazing truths about God and his plan for us.

First, it tells us that God has prepared something uniquely for each of us. He is not a passive or indifferent God who leaves us to our own devices. He is an active and loving God with a specific and personal plan for each of us. He has prepared something for us before we were even born, before the foundation of the world. He knows us by name, he knows our strengths and weaknesses, he knows our hopes and dreams, and he has prepared something for us that matches our unique design and destiny.

Second, it tells us that what God has prepared for us is beyond our wildest imagination. It is something that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has conceived. It surpasses our human expectations and limitations. It transcends our worldly logic and reasoning. It reveals his glory and grace. It fills us with joy and peace. It satisfies our deepest desires and needs.

Third, it tells us that what God has prepared for us is for those who truly love him. It is not for those who merely obey, fear, or serve him. It is for those who love him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. It is for those who have a personal and intimate relationship with him. It is for those who trust him and follow him. It is for those who delight in him and worship him. It is for those who love him more than anything else.

So, what does God want from you? He wants you to love him. And when you love him, you will discover what he has prepared for you. You will experience his presence and his power. You will enjoy his blessings and his promises. You will see his beauty and his goodness. You will know his love and his grace. And you will realize that what he has prepared for you is far more than you could ever ask or think.


            Lord, help us to be patient as we wait for your return. We know that you are preparing something extraordinary for those who love you. We do not deserve your grace, but you are so, so good to us. Please help us to keep our eyes on you and seek to follow you more closely every day. Let us worship you every day and be committed to following you. Amen.


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