Seek the Good...Live Well

 Seek Good, Live Well: A Call to Authentic Faith

Scripture: Amos 5:14-15 (NIV)

14 Seek good, not evil,

that you may live.

Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you,

just as you say, he is.

15 Hate evil, love good;

maintain justice in the courts.

Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy

on the remnant of Joseph.




In the cacophony of life, where distractions pull us in every direction, God’s timeless call reverberates: “Seek good.” Amos, a shepherd and prophet, delivers this message to a wayward people. Amid their rituals and religious veneer, he points them back to the essence of true faith.


Seek good, not evil. God’s invitation is both simple and profound: “Seek good, not evil, that you may live.” It’s not about religious performance or empty gestures; it’s about the orientation of our hearts. Seeking good means pursuing righteousness, kindness, and compassion. Consider your daily choices. Are you actively seeking good? How can you intentionally choose kindness, honesty, and love in your interactions with others?


Hate Evil, Love Good Amos doesn’t tiptoe around the issue. He calls us to hate evil. Not tolerate it, negotiate with it, or excuse it—but hate it. Evil disrupts shalom—the peace and wholeness God desires for His creation. Loving good compels us to stand against injustice, oppression, and cruelty. Reflect on areas where evil subtly creeps into your life. How can you actively resist it? How can you cultivate a genuine love for what is good, beautiful, and just?


Justice and Mercy: Here, Amos emphasizes maintaining justice in the courts. Justice isn’t an abstract concept; it’s practical and tangible. It’s about ensuring fairness, defending the vulnerable, and upholding truth. But justice alone isn’t enough. God’s mercy extends to the remnant—the broken, the repentant, and the seeking hearts. How can we balance justice and mercy in our lives? How can we advocate for justice while extending grace to those who need it? How does Jesus exemplify this delicate balance?


 Living the Call Amos’s words echo across generations: “Seek good, hate evil, love justice.” Our faith isn’t about religious posturing but authentic alignment with God’s heart. When we seek good, we find life—not mere existence, but vibrant, purposeful living. And perhaps, just perhaps, God’s mercy will embrace us, even in our brokenness.




            Lord God, help us repent of the ways and places in which we have pursued our evil intentions instead of the good that you intend for us. Please help us to repent of our disobedience and pursue righteousness. Lead us in the way of life you have offered us. A way of peace and justice giving glory to you, O God maker, redeemer, sustainer of our lives. Let us live well, giving glory to you, God. Amen.



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