Believe In Jesus

Scripture: John 5:24 (ESV)

24 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.


            In the bustling streets of Jerusalem, Jesus speaks with authority. His “truly, truly” carries weight—it’s a divine seal on His message. And what does He declare? A promise that echoes through eternity: from death to life.

“Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me…” Jesus begins with an invitation—to listen. Not mere auditory reception, but a soul-deep hearing. It’s leaning in, hearts attuned to His truth. And then comes belief—the bridge from knowledge to transformation. This belief is not just a mental acknowledgment; it's a powerful force that can transform our very existence, empowering us to entrust our lives to the One who speaks. This 'One who speaks' is God the Father, the sender of Jesus, and believing in Him is as crucial as believing in Jesus.

“Has eternal life.” Pause and absorb this. Not “will have,” but “has.” Present tense. Eternal life isn’t a distant reward; it’s a current possession. This truth should bring you comfort and reassurance, knowing that you already possess the gift of eternal life. We grasp it now, like a child clutching a cherished gift. A life that transcends time, death, and decay. A life that pulses with God’s heartbeat. Jesus doesn’t offer a temporary reprieve; He gifts us eternity, a secure and comforting reality.

He does not come into judgment…” Imagine standing before the cosmic courtroom—the Judge scrutinizing every thought, motive, and deed. But Jesus intervenes. His sacrifice covers our guilt. This act of love and forgiveness from Jesus should make you feel cherished and valued, loved and special. We’re not condemned; we’re acquitted. Not because we’re flawless, but because He is. Our sins—past, present, future—nailed to the cross. We escape judgment, not by our merit, but by His grace.

“But has passed from death to life.” Picture it: a traveler crossing a threshold. Darkness behind, light ahead. This is our story. We were dead—spiritually, hopelessly. Sin’s grip choked us. But Jesus—the Resurrection and the Life—reached down. His hand pulled us from the grave. We staggered, blinking in the dawn. From death to life. From despair to hope. From lost to found.

As we navigate life’s twists, remember John 5:24. It’s not a distant theology; it’s our anchor. When doubts assail, guilt whispers, shadows loom—cling to this truth. You’ve heard His word; you’ve believed. Eternal life courses through your veins. Judgment is replaced by grace. Death yields to life.

So, walk in the light of this promise. Live as one who has already crossed from death to life. And when the world questions, point them to the Savior who spoke those words—the One who turns graves into gardens, a metaphor for transforming our deepest sorrows and struggles into places of growth and beauty, and brokenness into beauty.


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