What Happens When Righteousness Fails


Scripture: Isaiah 59:14-15 (ESV)

 14         Justice is turned back,

and righteousness stands far away;

                        for truth has stumbled in the public squares,

and uprightness cannot enter.

            15          Truth is lacking,

and he who departs from evil makes himself prey.


In the book of Isaiah, the prophet presents a vivid picture of societal degradation, where foundational virtues such as justice, righteousness, and truth have been usurped. This can be seen in the prevalence of corruption in government, deceit in business, and dishonesty in personal relationships. Isaiah 59:14-15 is a lamentation over a society that has lost its moral compass, where these societal ills have taken root, leaving little room for honesty and righteousness.

The imagery in these verses is poignant: justice is portrayed as being "driven back," righteousness as standing "at a distance," and truth as having "stumbled in the streets." These personifications highlight the active resistance and marginalization of moral integrity. They portray a world where the fundamental values that uphold society are under siege.

In biblical literature, justice and righteousness are often paired to denote a society's adherence to God's standards. In Isaiah's vision, the absence of these qualities indicates a deep-seated spiritual malaise. When justice is driven back, it implies that fairness and equity are no longer upheld. Righteousness standing at a distance signifies that moral integrity has been pushed to the margins, ignored, and sidelined.

The stumbling of truth in the streets and the barring of honesty from entering are powerful metaphors that speak to the prevalence of falsehood and deceit. When truth is nowhere to be found, society becomes a breeding ground for lies and manipulation. The phrase 'whoever shuns evil becomes prey' suggests that those who strive to live righteously and shun corruption are persecuted or oppressed, becoming targets in a morally bankrupt environment. This can be seen in the workplace, where those who refuse to engage in unethical practices may face discrimination or in personal relationships, where those who stand up for truth may face isolation.

As we reflect on Isaiah 59:14-15, it calls us to examine the state of our society and personal lives. Are we individually upholding justice and righteousness, or have we allowed these virtues to be driven back? Are we personally proponents of truth and honesty, or have we let these principles stumble in our daily lives? This personal responsibility should motivate us to be more vigilant in our actions and choices.

This passage encourages us to be vigilant in upholding God's standards and courageous in our pursuit of righteousness, even when it is unpopular or comes with a personal cost. It is a call to be agents of change in a world that often seems indifferent to moral decay.


Lord, we come before You, acknowledging how our society and our hearts have fallen short of Your standards. We pray for the strength to stand for truth and honesty, for the courage to uphold justice and righteousness. Help us to be beacons of Your light in a world that desperately needs Your guidance. May we not be disheartened by the prevalence of evil but be steadfast in our commitment to Your ways. In Jesus' name, Amen


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