The Lord Will Keep You


Scripture: Psalm 121:7-8 (ESV)

The Lord will keep you from all evil;

he will keep your life.

    The Lord will keep

your going out, and your coming in

from this time forth and forevermore.


In the quiet moments of reflection, we often find our hearts wandering to the hills, searching for help and solace. Psalm 121:7-8 offers us a profound assurance, “The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

These verses are not just a promise of protection but a testament to God’s unending vigilance in our lives. The Lord’s guardianship is comprehensive, covering every aspect of our existence. He keeps us from harm, not just physically but spiritually, guarding our hearts and minds against the enemy's assaults.

The psalmist uses the word “keep” repeatedly, underscoring God's active role in our preservation. It is not a one-time act, but a continuous, never-ceasing vigilance. God doesn’t just watch over us; He keeps us, holds us, and sustains us. This is the God who neither slumbers nor sleeps, the Keeper of Israel, who is always by our side.

As we consider our “coming and going,” we realize that our lives are full of transitions and movements. Yet, one thing remains constant in all these changes: the Lord’s unwavering presence. Whether we rise or rest, whether we journey out or return home, His watchful eyes are always upon us, providing comfort and support. 

This passage invites us to trust in the Lord’s perpetual care. It calls us to release our anxieties and rest in the assurance that we are never outside the scope of His watchful gaze. In a world where uncertainty is a constant companion, these verses offer a peace that transcends our circumstances. 

Let us then hold fast to this promise, for it is in the Lord’s keeping that we find true security. As we go about our days, may we remember that we are watched over by a God whose love knows no bounds, whose protection is sure, and whose faithfulness extends to eternity. This promise fills us with hope and optimism for the future.


            Thank you, Lord. You protect and care for us in myriad ways each day. We are often unaware of this protection, but occasionally, we see and feel it. Whether seen or unseen, we thank you for your constant care and watchfulness over us. Let us rejoice in the fact that you care for us. Help us to share the good news of your love and care for the world. Amen.


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