How Many Deaths and Injuries Will It Take

.Thoughts on the 2nd Amendment

            In the recent history of our country, we have been confronted with two alarming assassination attempts on the lives of the Republican candidate for president. These attempts were facilitated by the easy availability of A-R-style rifles, legally carried by the would-be assassins. The arguments for and against possessing these weapons, as outlined below, are of critical importance in the current context.

The debate over allowing AR model rifle sales to the general public is highly contentious, with strong arguments on both sides. Here are some of the key points:

“Arguments For Allowing AR Model Rifle Sales:

  1. Personal Protection: Many gun owners argue that AR-15s and similar rifles are effective for self-defense. Families.
  2. Recreational Use: AR-15s are popular for recreational shooting and competitive shooting. Enthusiasts enjoy the precision and customization options available with these rifles1.
  3. Hunting: Some hunters use AR-15s for hunting various game animals. The versatility and accuracy of these rifles make them suitable for this purpose1.
  4. Second Amendment Rights: Supporters argue that the right to bear arms, as enshrined in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, includes the right to own AR-15s and similar firearms. They view any restrictions as an infringement on their constitutional rights1.

Arguments Against Allowing AR Model Rifle Sales:

  1. Public Safety Concerns: Critics argue that AR-15s and similar rifles are often used in mass shootings, leading to significant loss of life. They believe that restricting access to these firearms could reduce the frequency and severity of such incidents2.
  2. Military-Grade Weapons: Opponents point out that AR-15s are civilian versions of military-grade weapons like the M16 and M4. They argue that such powerful firearms are not necessary for civilian use and pose a risk to public safety2.
  3. Potential for Misuse: There is concern that AR-15s can be easily misused by individuals with malicious intent. The high rate of fire and large magazine capacity make these rifles particularly dangerous in the wrong hands2.
  4. Law Enforcement Challenges: Law enforcement agencies often face difficulties when confronting suspects armed with AR-15s. The firepower and range of these rifles can put officers at a significant disadvantage2.

These arguments reflect the complexity of the issue and the deeply held beliefs on both sides of the debate.”

            The primary argument for allowing these weapons is the 2nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution. While I am a strict constructionist when it comes to most of the Constitution and its amendments, the 2nd amendment may need to be re-evaluated. Let me elaborate on why I think this is necessary:

1.      The amendment was written to ensure the government could never run roughshod over the population. As we have seen in the Civil War and other conflicts, during these conflicts, the people were badly outgunned and fighting a lost cause.

2.      The amendment when guns were the most lethal weapons people and governments could obtain and use against each other. This is no longer true. Governments can now use weapons the writers of our Constitution could never have imagined; There is no longer parity of military strength such as there was when the Constitution was written.

3.      The people of the United States have changed. In the 1700s and 1800s, the overwhelming majority of the populace supported Judeo-Christian beliefs. Now, over 80 percent are no longer bound by that set of beliefs. Killing someone just because they hold a different opinion than you is totally justifiable, according to the majority of Americans.

4.      By acknowledging that the Second Amendment no longer functions effectively in the current world and will never be applicable again, we can be free to modify the language to suit today's needs. This adaptation is not just a choice, but a necessity in our changing society.

The USA has changed. We are no longer a nation that pursues righteousness, godliness, and peacefulness (if we ever were), and we must adjust to the times. Should all weapons be banned? It's probably not going to happen, but we can and should take every action the Constitution allows to make America safer again.

It's important to acknowledge that we may not be able to prevent all shootings. There will always be individuals who seek to terrorize and, in some cases, kill to achieve their goals. As citizens, it is our responsibility to support law enforcement in their efforts to enforce the existing gun laws.

There is little debate that we are losing our children to drugs, gangs, and violence on our streets. Let us pray for good and godly leadership to help us stop our country from sliding further into the abyss of complete moral failure.

Let us conclude this discussion by emphasizing that the vast majority of gun owners in this country are faithful and law-abiding citizens. We must work to protect the rights of these gun owners while making it very difficult to use a weapon to break the law in the United States again. No one, from a President to a coal miner in West Virginia, should feel threatened by a criminal with a weapon. We must seek peace and pursue it, ensuring that everyone's rights and safety are equally respected. Amen.


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