My sermon text. Sermon delivered 9/1/24 at First Presbyterian Church Rochelle, IL

  Good morning, Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Today, we will examine one story from the Book of Daniel, an Old Testament book filled with stories of faith, courage, and divine intervention. In the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den, we have a powerful example of faith and courage to imitate. This story is not just a historical account, but a living testament to the enduring power of God in our lives. It's a story that can inspire us in our daily struggles, reminding us that God is always with us. No matter what problems we face.

If we are going to absorb the depth of meaning in these words, we need to ask for the Lord’s help.

Let us pray:

Lord God, as we delve into the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den, we ask for your guidance and wisdom. May the words of this sermon open our hearts and minds to new understandings of your word, and may we find ways to apply these words to our everyday lives. May we learn to have the courage, trust, and integrity that Daniel displays in today’s scripture. Let us remember that just as God protected Daniel, He is also with us in our trials and tribulations, if only we can trust in Him.

 Now, may the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing and acceptable in your sight, O God, our Rock and Redeemer. Amen.

Living a life like Daniel's is a true challenge for us. This book calls us to give our all for God’s highest. In the first five chapters, we witness Daniel and his friends in situations where there seemed to be no way out, from the Fiery furnace to the interpretation of the writing on the wall. At every turn, Daniel trusted the God of Heaven for deliverance. Learning to trust in Jesus with all our lives, especially in dire circumstances, is crucial for the Christian life. Outside of Jesus, the very Son of God, Daniel's life may be the most difficult for us to emulate.

Imagine, my friends, being thrown into a pit full of hungry lions, knowing you may be their next meal. How would you feel? What would you do? Would you cry to God for help or give up hope and resign yourself to your fate? This is the situation that Daniel faced in Daniel 6, a chapter that tells us one of the most famous stories in the Bible: Daniel in the lion's den. Despite the imminent danger, Daniel's unwavering courage and trust in God is not just a source of inspiration, but a testament to the awe-inspiring power of God. His steadfast faith in the face of such a terrifying trial is a model for us to follow in our own lives, a faith that can move mountains and calm the fiercest storms.

Daniel was a faithful servant of God born in Jerusalem and deported while still a youth to Babylon. Daniel lived most of his life in Babylon, a pagan empire that oppressed and persecuted God's people. God blessed Daniel, and he became a high-ranking official in the king's court, a position that made him a target of envy and hatred from his colleagues, who saw him as an outsider. They plotted to get rid of him by making a law that forbade anyone from praying to any god or human except the king for thirty days. Anyone who disobeyed this law would be thrown into the lion's den. Daniel, however, did not compromise his devotion to God. He prayed to God three times daily, as he had always done, even though he knew the consequences. When the king found out, he was reluctant to punish Daniel, but he had no choice but to follow his own decree. He ordered Daniel to be cast into the lion's den, hoping and even praying that God would rescue him. He sealed the mouth of the den with a stone and went back to his palace, unable to sleep or eat. The next morning, he rushed to the den and called out to Daniel, hoping to hear his voice. To his great joy, Daniel answered him, saying that God had sent an angel to shut the lions' mouths and protect him from harm. The king was overjoyed and ordered Daniel to be lifted out of the den. Then, the king gave the lions a meal of those officials who had sought to destroy Daniel. As a result, the king issued a decree that everyone in his kingdom should fear and revere the God of Daniel, who rescues and saves his people, displaying his power and glory to the world. This story of Daniel's deliverance is a powerful reminder of God's sovereignty and ability to turn even the direst situations into opportunities to display his power and glory, reassuring that no situation is beyond God's transformative power.

What are the key takeaways from this remarkable story? What is the central message and application of Daniel 6:10-23? In this sermon, we will explore three crucial points that will help us comprehend and apply this passage to our lives. First, we will learn that Daniel's unwavering faith in God was a result of his consistent and disciplined prayer life. Second, we will see that Daniel's trust in God was the source of his courage and peace in the face of danger. Third, we will see that Daniel's deliverance by God was a powerful display of God's sovereignty and glory to the world. Let us examine each point in detail.

The first point from this passage is that Daniel's faithfulness to God resulted from his consistent and disciplined prayer life. Daniel's life was a living prayer, a constant communion with God. He was not a fair-weather believer who only prayed to God when he needed something or when he was in trouble. He was a man who prayed to God regularly, three times a day, his custom was. He did not let the pressures or pleasures of his position distract him from his relationship with God. He did not let the threats or temptations of his enemies deter him from his obedience to God. He did not let the change of circumstances or the moment's crisis shake him from his confidence in God. He was a man who prayed to God with adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. He prayed to God with humility, sincerity, and faithfulness. He prayed to God with his windows open, facing Jerusalem, the city of God, where the temple symbolized his hope and heritage. He prayed to God with his eyes open, seeing the reality of his situation and the sovereignty of his God. He prayed to God with his heart open, expressing his love and loyalty to his God. His prayer life is a model for us, showing us how to maintain a solid and unwavering faith in God, no matter the circumstances.

Daniel's prayer life was the secret of his faithfulness to God. It was the source of his strength and wisdom. It was the means of his communion and fellowship with God. It was the expression of his dependence and submission to God. It was the demonstration of his reverence and worship of God. It was the testimony of his witness and service to God. It was the preparation of his readiness and willingness to suffer for God. It was the foundation of his trust and peace in God.

Let us reflect on our prayer life in light of Daniel’s. Do we pray to God regularly, or only occasionally? Do we pray to God sincerely, or only superficially? Do we pray to God faithfully, or only conveniently? Do we pray to God with thanksgiving, or only with complaints? Do we pray to God with praise, or only with requests? Do we pray to God with confession, or only with excuses? Do we pray to God with humility, or only with pride? Do we pray to God with our hearts open or only with our mouths open?

If we want to be faithful to God, we need to pray to God. We need to pray to God consistently and with discipline. We need to pray to God in every situation and circumstance. As the apostle Paul declares, we need to pray without ceasing. We need to pray to God with every emotion and attitude. We need to pray to God with every word and action. We need to pray to God with every thought and intention. We need to pray to God with every desire and aspiration. We need to pray to God with every hope and expectation. We need to pray to God in every fear and doubt. We need to pray to God when we have everything and when we have nothing. We need to pray to God as Daniel did, and we will be as faithful to God as Daniel was.

The second point from this passage is that Daniel's trust in God was the source of his courage and peace in the face of danger. Daniel was not a fearless or reckless man who did not care about the consequences of his actions. He was a man who faced the reality of his situation with soberness and wisdom. He knew that his enemies were plotting against him. He knew that the law was against him. He knew that the king was powerless to help him. He knew that the lions were hungry and fierce. He knew that his life was in danger. He knew that he could die at any moment. He knew that he had no human help or hope. He knew that he was alone and vulnerable.

Daniel's trust in God was the source of his courage and peace in the face of danger. It was the source of his courage to stand up for God and his truth. It was the source of his courage to resist the pressure and the temptation to compromise his faith. It was the source of his courage to face the wrath and the judgment of his enemies. It was the source of his courage to endure the pain and suffering of his situation. It was the source of his courage to accept God's will and purpose for his life. It was the source of his courage to glorify and honor God with his life and death. It was the source of his courage to witness and testify to God's power and grace. It was the source of his courage to hope and expect God's deliverance and salvation. It was the source of his courage to live and die for God and his kingdom.

How is our trust in God? Do we trust God with all our heart and soul, or only with some of our heart and soul? Do we trust God's character and promises, or only our feelings and opinions? Do we only trust God's love and faithfulness in our circumstances and situations? Do we trust God's wisdom and power, or only our logic and abilities? Do we trust God's sovereignty and plan, or only our choices and outcomes?

If we want to have courage and peace in the face of danger, we need to trust in God. We need to trust in God with all our heart and soul. We need to trust in God in every situation and circumstance. We need to trust in God with all the love and loyalty we can find in Christ. We need to trust in God in life and death. We need to trust in God with everything. We must trust in God as Daniel did, and we will have courage and peace as Daniel had.

The third point from this passage is that Daniel's deliverance by God displayed God's power and glory to the world. Daniel was not a lucky or fortunate man who escaped the lion's den merely by chance or coincidence. He was a man who experienced miracles and the grace of God in his life. He experienced the miracle of God's intervention and protection. He experienced the miracle of God's presence and comfort. He experienced the miracle of God's power and authority. He experienced the miracle of God's salvation and deliverance. He experienced the miracle of God as his Hope and Joy. He experienced the miracle of God as his Peace and Life. He experienced the miracle of God as his Light and Truth.

Humility in Crisis Daniel’s humility shines brilliantly when facing the lion’s den. His unwavering commitment to prayer—even when it means defying a royal decree—reveals a heart that bows before God alone. When accused, Daniel doesn’t defend himself or manipulate circumstances. Instead, he accepts the consequences with grace.

Imagine the den’s darkness, the cold stone against his skin, and the hungry lions circling. Yet, Daniel’s humility remains steadfast. He doesn’t pray for deliverance but for God’s will to be done. His trust in God’s sovereignty overshadows fear. And in that dark pit, God’s angel shuts the lions’ mouths—a testament to God’s steadfast love for Daniel.

Let us consider how God has worked in our own lives. God always desires to save us from the predicaments we find ourselves in. We need not fear when circumstances of life, our God who delivered Daniel from the power of the lion, will deliver us. Sometimes in unexpected and surprising ways, but God is faithful if we will but trust in Him and in His power to rescue us. Let us seek God’s face when we are in trouble, knowing that He will provide a way of escape as He has promised in His word and demonstrated in the deliverance of Daniel from the den full of lions.

Living in light of Daniels's example will help us survive even trials that seem overwhelming. The three points we have looked at this morning, Daniel’s consistent and devoted prayer life, Daniel’s faith, and trust in God for deliverance, and Daniel giving God all the credit for his deliverance from the Lion’s mouth, will serve as a guide for how we can live lives that glorify God in every situation. It starts with prayer, moves on to trust, and is finished with humility, giving God the credit for His saving actions in our lives.

Let us hope for this miraculous salvation in our own lives. May we seek to live like Daniel in this corrupt world full of distrust and deception. Let us encourage one another in our walk with the Lord. May we strive to bring honor and glory to God’s name. May we be useful servants for the kingdom. Let us pray that we may walk in Daniel's way


Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You today, inspired by the story of Daniel in the lion's den. We are moved by his unwavering faith and steadfast trust in You, even in the face of great danger.

Lord, we pray for the same kind of faith Daniel and his companions had. Help us to trust in You completely, just as Daniel did. Even when we find ourselves in the midst of trials and tribulations, may we remain faithful, knowing that You are with us, just as You were with Daniel in the lion's den.

We thank You for Your protection and deliverance. We are reminded that Daniel was not harmed because he trusted You. Lord, we pray for Your protection in our lives. Keep us safe from harm and deliver us from evil.

Finally, Lord, we pray for courage. Daniel's courage to pray openly inspires us to live boldly for You despite any opposition. Grant us the courage to stand firm in our faith, to live out our beliefs, and to honor You with our lives.

Thank You, Lord, for Daniel's example. May his story continue to inspire us and draw us closer to You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


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