Who Are You Gonna Serve?
Scripture: Matthew 6:24 (NIV)
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the
one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the
other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Bob Dylan had a hit single along the
lines of today’s scripture. No matter who you are or how exalted a state you
are in you are going to serve somebody. Even if you have many people serving
you, you will in your turn serve someone else. President Joe Biden, Elon Musk,
any world, political, businessperson you can name they are all are serving
someone. Perhaps it’s not a person but a thing. Like money in this scripture
It is essential to note that the
Greek word translated servant here. Is translated slave in many other places.
We are not just servants to the things/people that control us. We are absolute
slaves to those things that hold us in their iron grip.
Now a person can be slave to many
harmful and dangerous things. Drugs, alcohol, sex, fighting among many others. (A
more exhaustive list can be found in 2 Timothy 3:1-9) Being enslaved to one of
these vices will ultimately lead to harm to yourself or to others.
Many of the things
that come from enslavement to money look attractive on the outside. I once was
promoted to a job that paid me a lot of money, in a matter of months I was
enslaved to that job and was neglecting my marriage, family, and spiritual
life. As I fought this addiction I lost my marriage, family, and what everyone
around me called the good life. No matter what I did I could never make things
right again on my own.
Fortunately, God
never gives up on people. He desires everyone to be saved, even a wretch like
me. Serving God alone has been a lifesaver for me. Thankfully, God led me down
the right path. He continues to challenge me to step out further and further
with him. Encouraging me to never give up the fight for whatever is good, true,
and beautiful.
So, I encourage
you, as God has encouraged me, to pursue things that bring our Maker praise.
Let us reject sin of all kinds and seek to live according to God’s laws. We
must strive to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, minds, soul, and
strength and love our neighbor as we love ourselves. If we do these things, we
will truly have kept all the laws and commandments. May it be that as others
see our good conduct the will be enticed to join us in this revival of the
Christian Church.
Lord help us to choose the correct
master for or lives. God is calling out for our obedience and dedication to His
holy paths. Forgive us Father when we have chosen lesser masters. May you be glorified
in all that you do in and through our lives. Amen.
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