Be Kind


Scripture; Ephesians 4:32 (ESV)

32Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.


            Today, let us consider the Bible’s use of the word kindness. Kindness, it seems, has gone out of style in our culture today. The internet and cable news shows frequently refer to one person verbally destroying another person by means of verbal assault. Politicians who show the least kindness toward those of the opposing party are deemed “squishes” and are not to be trusted. Perhaps this kind of treatment of others is to be expected in a world without Christ.

            Paul’s words above are definitely directed toward the believers at Ephesus. So, how do Christians treat other Christians these days. Sadly, not much different from the way the world treats each other. Those of opposing theological camps frequently display a lack of kindness toward those they disagree with. Kindness appears in far too many cases to be as rare in the church as it is outside of it. It seems that being a kind person today is rare but greatly treasured once found.

            What about God? Does He show kindness towards his people? Romans 11:22 gives guidance in this matter, “22 Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness”. Here Paul is writing to assure the Roman believers that they need not be afraid of God. God is known for his kindness. It is even a fruit of the Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22 “22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” This shows us that kindness is part of God’s very nature.

            We are to treat even those with whom we disagree with kindness. Since we who were once enemies of Christ have been shown such immense kindness by God, ought we not show the same kindness toward our enemies. And make no mistake there is no shortage of enemies to the person who has declared their loyalty toward God and left behind the ways of the world. Kindness toward our enemies not unlike Christ’s command to love our enemies is very hard to pull off.

            It seems to us to be an impossible task. And in our flesh, I believe it is impossible. However, one who is filled with Holy Spirit will be enabled by God’s power and wisdom to do what in the flesh is impossible. Kindness towards one’s enemies is also easier to pull off if we have a brother or sister in the Lord with us for support.

            Our churches should always put kindness on display. The stranger or visitor who comes into our midst should feel our kindness along with the other eight fruit of the Spirit. Let us walk then as wise Christians displaying the knowledge and wisdom of God toward each other and toward the seeker who comes to see what this Jesus thing is all about.


            Lord, help us to be full to always overflowing with kindness. Cleanse our hearts of any arrogance or malice that may have taken root there. Forgive us our sins and remove from us any unkind spirit that dwells within us. Thank you for your kindness in sending your Son Jesus to save us from our sins, thank you also for the gift of the Holy Spirit who empowers supernatural love and kindness in us. Amen.


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