Fire On Earth

Scripture: Luke 12:49-52 (ESV)

49  “I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished! 51 Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. 52 For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three.


            If most of us were asked to recite three of Jesus’ most memorable quotes from the gospels, it is doubtful that these words above would make the cut. In 21st century America we do not like to think of Jesus in this way. We prefer a calm, peaceful and peace-bringing Jesus to the one portrayed in these lines of scripture. In America we prefer to have a “nice” Jesus who does not rock the boat. In fact, we want a Jesus who will calm the storms of our times.

            Yet the Holy Spirit working through the pen of Luke has preserved these words for us. They are every bit as important as our favorite passages about “God so loved the world.” So, we need to examine first, what they meant to Jesus audience in the 1st century and, then explore what they may mean for us in the 21st century.

            Jesus was adamant about their being a particular mission he was to accomplish here on earth. As Jesus tells Nicodemus in John chapter three, Jesus coming is to show God’s love for humankind in person. The words from today’s scripture reading do not contradict what Jesus taught Nicodemus in the gospel of John. Jesus’ words actually are a cry for that love of God to begin to be brought to bear on the culture surrounding Jesus. Casting fire upon the earth refers to the judgement that Christ’s life would inevitably bring about.

            As the words of Jesus spread throughout the land like wildfire flames of opposition and conflict were ready to be ignited. Jesus wanted to get this cookout going. He brought the lighter fluid of the Holy Spirit, all he had to do now was set himself on fire and the party of God’s love for mankind’s salvation could begin.

            Jesus knew that his words would cause division and disruption. That is why he came. He had to undergo the baptism of crucifixion in order to save our souls. That is why he is in such anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of his arrest and trial. The match was about to ignite the lighter fluid of the Holy Spirit and burn with a flame that would consume everything in its path. Let us pray to be on fire regardless of the division or discomfort it may cause ourselves or others.


            Lord, awaken us from our slumber. Let us get ready for the fire of the Holy Spirit to be kindled within our own hearts. May we burn brightly upon the earth calling all people to you. Keep us from being ineffective or weak followers of yours. Ignite a passion for you and your people within us. May we be like a torch to lead the way to Christ for this lost and perishing generation. Amen.


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