The Dangers of Transgenderism

 What is transgenderism? It is a difficult question to answer as it seems the rules of the game change every five minutes. All speech from political speech to comedy routines run afoul of the Transgender activists. I will attempt to show in this brief article that Transgenderism is really not that hard to figure out at all once we get a few rules set up for the struggle. I must admit here that the core ideas come from a book by the title “Correct not Politically Correct” by Frank Turek. I will attempt to ground my arguments on the lines the Christian worldview.

Take the first objection to transgenderism. “The design of the body proves there are only two genders.” P.150. As God declares in Genesis that a man and a woman are married in a complementary relationship. The alert transgender critic will state very well we only have two sexes, but gender is fluid and there can be hundreds of genders. Transgenderism is not a safe bet even with this logic. So, someone say they feel like a cat today, so I am going to behave in a cat like way all day. The fact remains that these alleged genders come quickly crashing down around the transgenderism’s head. A human who is pretending to be a cat will be unable to reproduce offspring and his cat society will come to a quick end.

The Further the argument goes the worse it seems to get for our transgender friends. Our second objection knows that there must be two fixed genders in order for gay ideology to work. All their alleged friends in the trans community disappear quickly. You see if a man is to transition to become a woman or vice versa there needs to be some definable sex for that person to transition into. Gender cannot be fluid, nor can it have more than male and female categories to function as a working system. This inability to stretch gender is the cause of a lot of reaction to Matt Walsh’s documentary “What is a Women?” Where no one can define what a woman truly is. (except for Matt’s wife.)

Our third issue is based on the issue of the mind and body relationship. It is simpler to change minds than it is to change a body. Indeed, a person who completes medical gender transition soon finds the hard truth sets in. Taking hormone therapy for the rest of their lives. The physical struggle to maintain their self-presentation as it inevitably declines happens over time. You have never fully transitioned; you will always be in a state of transition.

Another falsehood propagated by the transgender community is that sex is assigned at birth and is malleable. God declares that men are men and women are women. Both powerful genders in their own right. The fact is doctors can tell with 99% accuracy who is a boy and who is a girl. There is simply no such medical term as “sex assigned at birth.”

Finally, our last blow to transgenderism. Human beings live because they are granted certain rights by almighty God. You have God given rights based on all sort of personal attributes. God has never enumerated any kind of civil rights for the transgender person. If you go and search the Bible for a single one that supports transgenderism They simply do not exist. Transgender people are covered under common grace that s given to all humans. Good things still happen to transgender individuals because God makes the rain on the just and the unjust.

If you are an adult and you feel this unease with your body/soul and you want to attempt to make a change. God bless you I hope all turns out well for you int the future. The one group of people who shouldn’t have to deal with these very adult issues are minors. Keep your hands off of little children They are precious in God’s sight. Jesus said, “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. (Luke 17:2) Jesus words not mine! Amen.


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