Clothe Yourselves in Humility

Scripture: 1 Peter 5:5 (ESV)

Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”


            It has been said that humility is a virtue we know we need, but we do not expect it to be much fun. Peter in today’s scripture addresses our need for humility as Christians. Today, it seems like all the fun is being had by those who indulge in humilities opposite, pride. Pride always looks like fun until you carry it to its logical end, uninhibited self-indulgence. This leads to the saying Peter quotes here that God opposes the proud. Ultimately, pride is self-destructive. Only humility leads ultimate peace with God and neighbor.

            There are a few things that we should note humility is not. First, it is not about hiding one's time, talents, and treasure. Humility does not go out of its way to publicize its positive attributes but neither does it hide them away. Next, humility is not hatred of oneself. Jesus instructs us to love God, our neighbor, and ourselves. Therefore, hating yourself is clearly ruled out. Finally, I suggest that humility is not weakness. Not standing up for oneself is an attribute of fear, or timidity. Humility will patiently stand its ground and not back down when challenged.

            The major question that gets asked about humility is: How do I acquire humility without being prideful? Chances are quite good actually that if you think and speak with others about your humility then you probably are really full of pride. Humility by its nature does not feel the need to advertise itself. When Jesus came to visit our planet, he was a perfect example of humility in action. Remember the humility of our Savior. How he was tempted by the devil in the wilderness. To each of the devil’s invitations to sin, Jesus humbly responded with obedience to God.

            Think about Jesus again for a moment with me. Think of being God, having created all that exists. How humble must he have been to leave the perfection of heaven to visit a tiny blue dot of a planet. He came not to be crowned king and take any position of power and prestige, but to give himself up as a sacrifice to rescue a seemingly insignificant part of creation from destruction of its own making. As the psalmist states, “what is man that you are mindful of him?”

            Genesis tells us that we were a special creation. Yet we quickly disobeyed God and tried to be like God ourselves. John 3:16 declares that “God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten son to save the world.” God’s humility is so great as to be beyond understanding. We must return God’s grace by acting as his loving agents in the world.


            God we will never truly comprehend what it must be like to be the ruler of the universe and yet love such undeserving creatures as us enough to die for us. We thank you and ask that you would clothe us with humility. Realizing the privilege that we have as your special creation may we live as  grateful creatures. Help us to declare the reality of your love to our hurting world. Amen


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