Now IS the Time


Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 (ESV)

Working together with him [God], then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says,

                         “In a favorable time, I listened to you,

and in a day of salvation, I have helped you.”


Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.



            In the church today there seems to me to be a relaxed attitude toward salvation. Indeed, the days, weeks, months, and years slip by, and nothing seems to change. I believe we need a change in attitude friends. Every day, indeed, every hour that passes brings us closer to the end of this age. The time for repentance and forgiveness will be over. The great books of life will be opened, and judgement will fall on both the prepared and the unprepared. Woe to the one who is not prepared for the final judgement day.

            Astute observers will notice a change in atmosphere these days. Evil seems to be closing in all around us. Quickly and quietly advancing on the kingdom of God. The skies are getting darker, even without wildfire pollution, than they have ever been before in our lifetimes. There is no more time to sit on the sidelines or straddle the fence. Spiritual war is upon us, and we must be suited up in the armor of God. Pick up our swords and engage in the battle.

            We must always remember that we do not fight against flesh and blood. Our battle is in the heavenly realm. Guns and bullets have no place here. Deep prayer, meditation, and study of God’s word are what these days call for. The hosts of the devil have their marching orders. They are taking advantage of the church's posture of comfort and ease to capture souls for the prince of darkness himself.

            How long has it been since you prayed earnestly for the salvation of a lost friend or family member? Are you willing to put forth the effort it will take to fight and win? Jesus is counting on you to go to war with him against the armies of darkness. Today IS THE DAY. The prayer closet is the battlefield, and the word of God is the sword by which we can with Jesus’ help win the battle. Not one more school gets taken in by this sexual madness that Satan and his armies are sowing in the world. Not one soul goes to hell without a fierce fight to save it. Take to your knees if you are able and raise a mighty chorus of prayer for this world.


            Lord, we sense that the devil knows his time is very short, so he is pulling an all-out offensive against us. Help us to suit up in the full armor of God and take the sword of the spirit, the word of God, and fight with our last ounce of courage and our last bit of strength to save as much spiritual territory as we can. We know we will win the battle; we have read the end of the Bible. Jesus must win the battle in the end, but we must fight to see God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


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