Bless America Again


Scripture: Luke 11:49-50 (ESV)

Therefore, also the Wisdom of God said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and persecute,’ 50 so that the blood of all the prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, may be charged against this generation,


            I believe this generation has seen and will see the worst persecution of Christians in our nation’s history. But then all believers think their persecution was the worst that the church has ever endured. One is reminded of the saying by the 19th century Baptist preacher named Charles Spurgeon who said this of the condition in England during his day, “This present age is so flippant that if a man loves the Savior, he is styled a fanatic, and if he hates the powers of evil, he is named a bigot.” These words were as true in the 1800’s and they are today.

            Whether one is talking about our media, politics, or any other area of our country it seems that those who stand for Jesus are put down while those who perform the most heinous acts are celebrated as hero’s and brave performance of their abominations. The complete lack of moral restraint in our country today can be seen as God’s judgement on our land. I know that anyone who dares to speak appealing to God’s judgement runs the risk of being called a fanatic. As for me I would rather take my stand as a fanatic for Jesus and a bigot for hating what is evil than anything else in the world.

            It is only when enough brave men and women stand up unafraid to be called fanatics and bigots by the culture that any progress can be made in morally reclaiming America. It only takes one generation for freedom to die. And I fear that our God given freedoms in this country are on life support.

You see the United States is unlike any country in the world because we believe there are human rights guaranteed to us by God. Mere mortals cannot take away our freedoms under the constitution and bill of rights. We are free indeed, because as a nation (until recently) the people held power and granted the state and national government the right to serve us as a people.

            We must admit our nation's sins and repent of them. We should declare a National Day of Mourning and repentance. Maybe God will spare our land what he did to the land of Israel. Kneeling became an attitude of disrespect in recent years. Our nation should pause now and kneel before the cross of Jesus. The one we have all sinned against in our nation's history. But especially now when freedom to speak freely what one thinks is under such attack. Only collective repentance by our whole nation can disaster be avoided. And then only by the grace of God. Let us come together now, with all our different races, ethnicities, political parties and agree to kneel before the cross and pray.


            Lord God, we lift our heavy burden of sin and place it on your wide shoulders. Cleanse us we pray of all our division and lead us in the way of unity found in Jesus Christ our Lord. As a nation we have strayed too far from your justice and righteousness. Take us back Oh Lord, heal the people of our nation from their sinful madness. May your glory and blessing shine on our nation once again. Amen


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