How to Save Your Life
Scripture: Matthew
16:24-26 (NKJV)
24 Then Jesus said to
His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and
take up his cross, and follow Me. 25 For whoever desires to
save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find
it. 26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole
world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his
Today’s culture seems to be
possessed with a desire to live forever. Products that supposedly can make you
look younger fly off the shelves at stores. From hair coloring products to
weight loss gimmicks that promise to give you that flat toned belly we are all
encouraged to try. Youth sells. Pills that promise eternal youth are selling
faster than tickets to the fountain of youth.
The words of Jesus in today’s
scripture are a hard sell in today’s youth driven culture. Who ever heard of
such a thing? Losing one's life to save it? Picking up a cross as a way to life.
Every-one knows that crosses are instruments of death and destruction and not paths
to eternal life.
Giving up one’s soul to gain the
whole world sounds definitely attractive in today’s power craving society.
Today’s culture has turned against the values used to support us and hold us together
as one nation. What used to be considered evil and selfish are now celebrated
as great goods to be pursued and desires to be worthy of emulation. It is
within my lifetime that pride went from something to avoid to something to be
encouraged. Along with this pride, sexual sins that were only whispered in dark
corners are not celebrated on street corners everywhere.
And where is the church of Jesus
Christ in the middle of this increasing decadence. In far too many places it is
seeking the approval of this deviant sexual movement. Repentance has ceased to
be word used in church circles. Now we are affirming and even celebrating
things that grieve the Holy Spirit of God. The church has lost most of its
moral authority. Scandal, cowardice, and apathy have risen to be seen
positivity and virtues to be celebrated.
There are still places in the church
where such evil is not tolerated. Our social media usually saves her most
vicious attacks for these people and places. However, we must stand up and
support those who take a stand for Jesus when it is not popular to do so. We
need a top down and bottom-up awakening in this land. The people who have not
bowed the knee to our cultural idols must be outspoken against the debauchery
that has taken over our dear country. Quickly come Lord and save our land.
Lord, we come before you with humble
and contrite hearts. We have been too often complacent and apathetic in letting
our culture degrade and demoralize us. Strengthen our weak knees and amplify
our voices to stand up for Jesus in our adulterous generation. May we from now
on seek to bring glory and honor to your name. Make us willing soldiers in the
culture war that we see surrounding us. Amen.
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