What is the First Thing We Are to Seek?
Scripture: Matthew
6:31-34 (NLT)
31 “So don’t worry
about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we
wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers,
but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek
the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you
everything you need.
34 “So don’t worry
about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is
enough for today.
Anxiety, this world is full of
anxiety. These verses above seem to be asking the impossible of us, don’t they?
Most of us probably can’t make it even one hour without a worrying thought
crossing our mind. It is human nature to worry. Today’s fast paced lifestyle
with all its demands on us contribute to our insecurities and anxiety. We seem
to live in a way that breeds anxiety in our hearts. We must find another way to
live in order to be free from worry and anxiety.
The first lesson we can draw to help
us in our battle against anxiety is this. Our God knows what we need and is prepared
to give it to us. We should still pray for our daily bread to be provided, however
God will provide these things to us because of His great love for us. This
leads us to the second lesson from the scripture above. “Seek” in our text is
an imperative verb, a command, not a suggestion. So, we must pay close
attention to what follows. Seeking the kingdom of God and living righteous
lives are to be first priorities for the believer. We are to follow Jesus’
commandments carefully and faithfully. With the promise that if we do, we shall
receive necessary provision for our lives. And our worries and anxiety seem to
be calmed
If we are able to live for the Kingdom
and live righteous and holy lives before God, we will have no reason to worry
about anything. Tomorrow will take care of itself if we live today for God. As
the verse states today’s troubles are sufficient for today. We have some
control over what we do today, but tomorrow is hard to plan control. Yet we can
rest assured that tomorrow will turn out fine as it is under the control of our
God who works all things together for the good of those who believe in him.
(Romans 8:28)
Therefore, we can be confident in
this, that if we follow God’s commandments and seek God’s desires first in our lives,
then we will be able to live lives that are filled with the sweet fruit of the
spirit rather than the bitter fruit of worry and anxiety. We all wrestle with
our own sin nature that seeks to drag us back into worry and unrest. Let us
pray that God will preserve us from these things,
Heavenly Father hear your children
as we cry out for help to escape the prison of anxious thoughts and deeds. Help
us to always seek first your Kingdom and live as you intended us to live in
righteousness and peace. May all we do bring glory to your name. Teach us to
live in your grace making no provision for our flesh. Amen.
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