Jesus, Our Light


Scripture: John 8:12 (ESV)

Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”


            Jesus declares that he is the light of the world. But in our present day and age darkness and blindness seem to rule the times. The world chases after things that only increase the darkness. From our schools to our families, from east to the west darkness in the form of anti-Christian beliefs are infiltrating our world. Making it difficult to keep our eyes on Jesus and making following him very difficult.

            Yet we have Jesus’ promise that if we are truly following him, we will be able to walk in his light. Jesus talks over and over about light and darkness. Why do people seem to gravitate toward the darkness instead of the light. John gives us this reason in Chapter 3 of his Gospel beginning in verse 19:

                         19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the             darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does      wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be         exposed. 21 But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen   that his works have been carried out in God.” (ESV)

            This world has a problem. The darkness is increasing because people are turning more and more to evil things. We have crime reaching epidemic proportions in some areas of the country. Our view of sex and gender have become so confused that what people do to each other in these realms which would have been considered evil not that long ago is celebrated and honored as a good and wonderful thing today. People today run for the darkness because they have rejected God and his savior Jesus Christ.

            How should a Christian who seeks to follow the light of Jesus behave in such a time as this? First, we should keep our eyes focused on the source of our light, Jesus. Having our attention focused on the source of our light will guide us through these morally dangerous times. As the feet of the people of the world chase after the darkness, so must the feet of Christians chase after the light who has come into the world in person of Jesus Christ.

            Second, we should let Christ’s own light reflect off of us and into the dark places of the world. Who knows maybe there will be some who will turn from their lives of darkness and follow the light they see in Jesus through you. It is true some will flee from the light, but some will come to the light. The results are in God’s hands not ours.


            God who created light in the beginning help us to seek your light. Grant that we might follow doggedly in pursuit of our savior Jesus Christ. May we follow his light in the world. May we be faithful light bearers to this hurting and broken world. May the light of Jesus be proclaimed in the darkest and most evil places in the world that the world may see and repent of their own love of darkness. Lead us forward to heaven with your light. Amen


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