Be Awake



Scripture: Eph 5:14 (ESV)

“Sleeper, awake!

Rise from the dead,

and Christ will shine on you.”



            In these troubled days in America as well as the rest of the “western” world we are seeing the introduction and triumph of a counterfeit religion called “wokeness”. It is chiefly made up of a conglomeration of different elements that together represent a great threat to Christianity and the culture of the world as we know it. Today’s Christian should not be either fearful of this new religion or try to sleep through it and hope to wake up after the threat has past.

            In the end Christians have nothing to fear because the Bible assures us that the cause of Christ will have the ultimate victory over the world, the flesh, and the Devil. Nevertheless, we must wake up as a body of believers and proclaim the love of God for humankind and the truth of salvation through God’s beloved son Jesus Christ. In this world we, as the church, must stand up for Christ. We must go forward into this coming spiritual battle fully armed and ready to fight the lies of this world with the truths of the gospel.

            This new religion will teach the world that you are either the oppressor or the oppressed. That your status in the world depends entirely on what group you are in and you as an individual have no control over what you can become in the world. According to the priests of wokeness your identity is determined by your skin color, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability Christ teaches that all people are created equal. And as individuals you come to Christ or not. Your skin color, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability have no effect on God’s ability or desire to save you and bring you into his coming kingdom.

            These two worldviews are in opposition to each other. They cannot coexist for long in a society. Because they look at people through completely different lenses, they are certain to be in conflict with one another. The religion of Wokeness sees humans as mere animals with value that differ according to specific characteristics of their bodies. Christians see all humans as created and loved by God. Each with individual gifts and abilities that make that person unique.

            The church must rise up. We must wake up to the reality on the ground. A new foe has appeared to challenge our Lord Jesus Christ for the hearts and minds of the culture. If we awaken from our slumber and put on the armor of God and do battle against the forces of wickedness in high places, we will be accounted as faithful followers of our Lord. If we continue to sleep through this spiritual crises, we may find ourselves in culture that actively seeks to destroy our faith and have us living fear that practicing our faith might be a danger to our very lives.

            Let us claim the promise of today’s scripture that when we wake from our slumber Christ will shine on us. Let us pray:


                        We give you glory Lord. You have promised to give us strength to live for you in this increasingly hostile world. We pray that you will open our eyes that we may see the          spiritual battle going on around us. Prepare us for the fight. Not a fight against flesh and blood but a spiritual battle against the forces of wickedness and darkness that seek to claim            this world as their own. Thank you for the victory that can be ours through Jesus Christ.            Amen


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